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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is now time to buy nintendo shares ??

The time to get Nintendo stock is a few years ago when it was a helluva lot cheaper. =)
Seriously though, I'd say now is probably a good time, I'd just sell it off soon b/c I dunno how much longer (as in it could be a few months or a year) demand will exceed supply.

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Well ya of course you can always look back and say I should have gotten Nintendo stock in Spring of 06 before the Wii was annouced at E3 and the PSP was appearing to be taken a good chunk of the handheld market from nintendo and there was talk of Nintendo going third party "when" the Revolution went the way of the dreamcast... hindsight is 20/20

But for the future, now is the time... if you don't get it now you will miss the boat completely.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

bigjon said:
Well ya of course you can always look back and say I should have gotten Nintendo stock in Spring of 06 before the Wii was annouced at E3 and the PSP was appearing to be taken a good chunk of the handheld market from nintendo and there was talk of Nintendo going third party "when" the Revolution went the way of the dreamcast... hindsight is 20/20

But for the future, now is the time... if you don't get it now you will miss the boat completely.

 Exactly =). I'm just teasing is all. and I'd definitely say that its now or much much later. 

online brokerage or a regular broker?? online seems like it will take a while fillingout forms and mailing in applications i want to buy today not in a week.

bigjon said:
They will keep rising as long as nintendo exceeds their forcast. They will remain steady if nintendo meets expectations. And obiously will fall if they do not.

There is alot more to it, You have to remember that the Market is driven by 2 things... fear and greed

Right now fear is what is controlling the market... It has nothing to do with Nintendo with their stock falling... Buy now, they will recover that 10% in no time... and then you make a quick 10% profit : )

this is true. thats what i am trying to do but the brokerages want too much dough and online takes so long to sign up so i fear i will miss out on the dip