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Forums - General Discussion - Something tottaly wierd scary and completely wierd has just happenened

I'm guessing it's because you're just finishing the weed your parents got on their last trip to Amsterdam :P

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That was an intersting story... But I beleive the dog closed the door...
(I don't want to think about ghost, UFOs or anything like that....I'm about to go to bed... :S )

 1   2   3  not only you and me.

Livin' in sin is the new thing.


Hehe. I hate when stuff like that happens, but it does always make for a good story.

About a year or two ago me and my ex-wife came into the house, my parents weren't around and it was dark out. So, if I enter the house at night when nobody has been home, I always do a sweep of the house to make sure everything is cool. I thought I heard something down the hallway, and headed down to investigate. I thought the noise was from one of the back bedrooms, so I slowly walked by the hallway restroom and my dad's office towards the back. Just as I pass them, the door to my dad's office swings open. Only time in my life I've nearly attacked air. :)

The heating/air had kicked on and sucked it open, but in our house we always close doors completely. This just so happened to be the one time in a thousand that my pops(or whoever) didn't close the door completely.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."