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Forums - Sony Discussion - A new ps3 owner has some questions for you guys

Utz said:

Hello i'm new here and i want to have your opinions on some ps3 games.


1) Stranglehold


2)Assassins Creed




4)NBA Live 08


5)Orange Box

I maybe want to buy these games but i'm not sure and so i ask:if you've played any of these games, were they fun?or not?and why?

 Well, I've played all these games but they were all on the 360...

Oh well...

1. No

2. Yes if you're an adventurous, perfectionist type. And yes just because I like it.

3. Yes, yes, yes!

4. Uhhh, maybe, if you really like Basketball...

5. Heck yes! 



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Utz said:

Hello i'm new here and i want to have your opinions on some ps3 games.


1) Stranglehold


2)Assassins Creed




4)NBA Live 08


5)Orange Box

I maybe want to buy these games but i'm not sure and so i ask:if you've played any of these games, were they fun?or not?and why? 

bolded plus,

  Ratchet and Clank, Resistance fall of man, Assassins Creed, Oblivion, NBA 2k8, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, and Warhawk

btw which model did you get. If it was the 40GB I'd say consider Motorstorm if you have the money or else wait till Motorstorm 2.

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I'd say get Orange Box for the PC instead. TF 2 is really awkward on a controller and FPS in general work better with a mouse and keyboard. If you don't have a PC that can run it for some odd reason then definatly pick it up. It is a solid buy no matter what system.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

NBA 2K8 >>>> Live...the live demo was awful.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

Orange box is an amazing purchase.

Also Get uncharted, and Assassins creed, I have them for my ps3 and its a great purchase.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

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It really depends what kind of games you like. The only one I have on your list is Oblivion. I'm not really into sports games so I don't know about that. I'd say that if you want a FPS, that COD4 and Resistance are good. Warhawk is also good but doesn't have a single player campaign. COD4's multiplayer isn't as "action packed" as the others, there's a lot more tactic involved. I'd get Uncharted before Assassin's Creed or Stranglehold.

@ ssj12

i have motorstorm but i just couldn't get into it,don't know why,so i sold it on ebay
and i've tried the demo of resistance but didn't like it too

uncharted and ratchet are allready on my must buy list

my pc is too week for these games,i normally just play strategy games on my pc


btw i didn't like the demo of resistance,so is cod 4 really the right game for me or are they the same for the most parts? 

CoD4 is much better than Resistance.


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Eh, I don't have any of those games for my PS3(none of them appealed to me), but Ratchet & Clank Future is good fun as is Burnout Paradise(granted, I have the 360 version, but the PS3 version looks just a tiny bit better). I also enjoy Super Stardust HD quite a bit.

Waiting for some of the RPG's, Home and Little Big Planet, though.

Well, the Orange Box is a must buy. Assassin's Creed was great, but I've played very little of it so don't trust my opinion. I found Oblivion boring, but I find WRPGs in general boring, so once again don't trust my opinion.

Other than that, buy Uncharted! Warhawk and Resistance are great as well, and you should at least rent Heavenly Sword. Or download the demo...

Now I have a question for you - who's that in your avatar?