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Forums - Sony Discussion - Disk error on ps3!

I would have backed up the data on the hard drive though! And they gave me plenty of grief about a receipt from the store when I wanted my PS3 serviced, even though it was less then a year from the US launch date. They were worried I bought it off ebay or something. But actually I had sent in a copy of my bank statement which showed I had bought it from wal mart. (they said a bank statement would be ok) but after it arrived they were telling me they never got it , although I KNOW i put it in there. After much yelling and arguing they argeed to honor the warranty with no receipt, mainly because it was within a year of the launch

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I guess Italy works differently from USA :P

@ decels )

Well, you should've copied your savegames to an usb stick or sth. before bringing it to the shop , it's an easy thing to do.

yeah i know I was dumb... but I didn't have anything where to do a backup

UPDATE: I've called and they said that my new ps3 should come this friday. I have no idea if they saved my hard disk (crossing my fingers here) and thanks to anyone who gave advice or info