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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA Admits Games Can Do Better For The LGBT Community


Is this a good development?

No problem against it, it's 2013! 25 62.50%
It's just a game, why is this needed? 15 37.50%

The option does give the game some replay value. For Mass Effect. I replayed the game in both male & female. And for all the relationship options. I want to see all the story branching points.

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How about they worry about the quality of their games.

newwil7l said:
How about they worry about the quality of their games.

I said this already, but what do you think this is about then, if it isn't saying anything about the quality to you?

Stefan.De.Machtige said:
For any big entertainment company, it's pointless to address any same-sex issues. The poor Cost-volume-profit ratio makes it irrelevant.
There's no point in addressing it since it doesn't get you any more profit.

I agree with this. I mean it's cool that they addressed that issue,but at the same time what was the point?? 

pokoko said:
I don't have a problem with same-sex options. In fact, when I played their Star Wars MMO, my favorite companion (besides the Jawa) ended up being Mako, the first one you get. She was so much more awesome than the male companions and I would definitely have had my (female) Bounty Hunter marry her if the option had been there. However, we're still talking about a very niche market, so I don't see it making any business sense to have a main story revolve around a same-sex romance. It should remain an optional kind of thing for the foreseeable future. Still, I think it's very commendable that EA is willing to talk about this, you don't see that with every company.

People make PLENTY of niche market games.  I mean look at strategy rpgs!

Targeting a few midrange games towards LGBT gamers would probably be pretty profitable.  Espiecally the first one.

Think of all the free advertisements from protesters and protest buys by people who don't even play videogames.

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I admire EA for attending to this issue, and focusing on making games appealing to gamers of all groups, persuasions, and sexual identities.

But, like many others have written, I think EA should focus first on respecting its consumers in general. It's difficult for me to get excited about its progressive attitude vis-a-vis the LGBT community when its trying its best to turn video games into a service industry.

In an rpg or sim game this makes sense. It's all about doing what you want. I'd be annoyed though if they try and shoehorn this into linear games though. In that case just make the game from the ground up with one sexuality per character.

Im sick of companies trying to shove personal issues that I dont condone down our throats!

Lyrikalstylez said:
Im sick of companies trying to shove personal issues that I dont condone down our throats!

lol your comment is worded rather funny, you sure you're not gay?

No one is shoving anything down your throat. It's about letting others have an option. Your character does NOT have to be gay in any EA game.

Ever since being a gay character in Fable I've enjoyed gay character's in games and there's no reason this should make anyone mad.