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Forums - Sony Discussion - How big a boost will Burnout Paradise give PS3 in EU for the next charts???

I think the game will sell pretty good, but i doubt its the kinda of game to raise sales, it just creates a better line up for potential buyers, it will keep sales stable but not raise them.

You guys should leave Hus alone, he has his opinions and we have ours. Hus has been one of the best posters this site has ever had, and he is allowed to say what he thinks.  His name will always be remembered on this site and i will make that happen.  He will be on the first page for Profile views before the day is out.

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Significant boost, but nothing major. May proove to be a steady seller for a while.

Good to see this site is still going 

Griffin said:
I think the game will sell pretty good, but i doubt its the kinda of game to raise sales, it just creates a better line up for potential buyers, it will keep sales stable but not raise them.

You guys should leave Hus alone, he has his opinions and we have ours. Hus has been one of the best posters this site has ever had, and he is allowed to say what he thinks. His name will always be remembered on this site and i will make that happen. He will be on the first page for Profile views before the day is out.

Everyone is allowed to say what they think.  No one is allowed to pointlessly troll, insult other forum members, and insult the site and ioi's hard work simply because they don't like what they read.  There's a difference.

No noticeable hardware boost...

Sales for Burnout will be tied between X360 and PS3 whilst the X360 still has the bigger userbase in Europe (for now)... 


Mars said:

why even care

If you think the numbers are so horribly wrong why are you posting here? Perhaps some introspection would be good for you.



I don't think its going to make much of a bump at all, we might see a bit of one week boost but nothing that will carry over to the following week. 

To Each Man, Responsibility
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Griffin said:
I think the game will sell pretty good, but i doubt its the kinda of game to raise sales, it just creates a better line up for potential buyers, it will keep sales stable but not raise them.

You guys should leave Hus alone, he has his opinions and we have ours. Hus has been one of the best posters this site has ever had, and he is allowed to say what he thinks. His name will always be remembered on this site and i will make that happen. He will be on the first page for Profile views before the day is out.
 I liked Hus, too. It's really to bad we had to lose him. I'd love to have him back. It's to bad I didn't get his PSN before he left. 


I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Not a great deal this week but burn out is one of those games that will be getting picked upas people buy consoles for the next year.
It is a good extra arrow

'You should try everything once in your life except incest, homosexuality and morris dancing' - Oscar Wylde (sort of)

Riot Of The Blood said:
Griffin said:
I think the game will sell pretty good, but i doubt its the kinda of game to raise sales, it just creates a better line up for potential buyers, it will keep sales stable but not raise them.

You guys should leave Hus alone, he has his opinions and we have ours. Hus has been one of the best posters this site has ever had, and he is allowed to say what he thinks. His name will always be remembered on this site and i will make that happen. He will be on the first page for Profile views before the day is out.
I liked Hus, too. It's really to bad we had to lose him. I'd love to have him back. It's to bad I didn't get his PSN before he left.


Eh, he literally is just Mars. I wasn't calling him a name idley.

The account showed up after the Hus account got permabanned, then his alt Enos Story account got banned... and started talking like a long time member, they have the same exact posting style, phrasing style, usage of grammer and care the most about the same games. (Gran Turismo mostly.)

He's either just Hus, or it's an amazing coincidence.

Also i'm not sure i've seen one post where any of the three wasn't either insulting someone, insulting the site or insulting a console. 

Hus was one of the best posters this site ever had???
Ahhh!! My side!! LMFAO!!