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Forums - General Discussion - Obama crushes Hillary

If we did clone a president it would be FDR.

Nintendo still doomed?
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I agree with supermario128. FDR would be able to lead us out of the recession we've just gotten ourselves into.

I think John Edwards is still in going for the VP slot. I dont picture Obama/Clinton running together since they bash each other so much.

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I don't think that Edwards will go at VP. Obama or Clinton will probably get a governor of a western state in order to balance the ticket, like Richardson.

ssj12 said:
Coca-Cola said:
We need another ronald reagan in the office.

*warms up cloning vat* ok we can call him Reagan 2 lmfao.

 Why would we need to clone him?  He slept through meetings as it is.  You could just dig him up and surround him with the same advisors and it'd be about the same thing.

Around the Network

I half way want obama to get the nomination because he'd easily get the presidency (republicans are weak this time, all around) and he probably wouldn't be a bad president.

However, I halfway want clinton to get the nomination because there's no way in hell she'd get elected president. Way to many independents and republicans hate her guts.

Witty signature here...

Wii: 14 million by January  I sold myself short

360: 13 million by January I sold microsoft short, but not as bad as Nintendo.

PS3: 6 million by January. If it approaches 8 mil i'll eat crow  Mnn Crow is yummy.

With these results, I've determined that I suck at long term predictions, and will not long term predict anything ever again. Thus spaketh Crono.

ripper said:

Reagan WAS great! coming to a Ten dollar bill soon!!

 Not with a Democratic House and Senate, he isn't.  

Here's my favorite number of the night: 530,322. That was the turnout (99% precincts).. which is significantly higher than in '04 and the republicans 428,148.

Obama's total alone exceeded McCain and hickabee's combined. This, in one of the most solidly Republican states in the country.

Iowa and New Hampshire had much larger Democratic turnout as well.


Avinash_Tyagi said:
Nah we need another Lincoln, or Washington, or Roosevelt

Since we're going back in time, we need a Ben Franklin to actually run.

Oh and:

"Obama crushes Hillary"



Smash Bros: 2363-5325-6342 

Coca-Cola said:
We need another ronald reagan in the office.

You mean the same Ronald reagan who said...


"Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an ALIEN THREAT from outside this world."


gotta love that quote. LOL

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

