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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will PS3 top 100 million?

DOATS1 said:
@ totalwar23

are you comparing the first year of each console? i highly doubt that you are

 Who say I was comparing first year sales? But as I have stated, the PS2 gain enough of a gap between the Xbox and Gamecube to become a 100 million seller and be dominant. The PS3 won't have that luxury as you can already see.

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@ totalwar23

you cant really say that though. if you compare the hardware from launch on this very site, you will see that ps3 sold just as much as the ps2 in the same time span, and still is.

the reason why ps2 gained a big enough gap between the xb and gc was because it was released a year earlier than both of them, and by the time they were released, sony's top games already started coming out.

i think the ps3 can do 100 million. i also think the wii can do close to 180 million at its current rate. or maybe even more. but thats only if its current momentum can be maintained.

The absolutely maximum, best case scenario I can see happening for the PS3 is half of that. Most likely somewhere between 30 and 40 million, but it's too early to say for sure.

No. But fifty to seventy million seems like a safe bet to me.

Parokki said:
The absolutely maximum, best case scenario I can see happening for the PS3 is half of that. Most likely somewhere between 30 and 40 million, but it's too early to say for sure.

now that's just being pessimistic! it will definately eat those numbers with ease!

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Oh, the Playstation 3 will sell 100 million with ease.

Kutaragi's wisdom will come to pass.



totalwar23 said:
Branko2166 said:
Zucas said:
People need to understand to sell 100 million you have to have a huge first year. As when you have a huge first year you get deep into the mainstream. What's another way to sell 100 million. Have a huge first year, but that first year, either there was no competition or the competition failed on their own.

Meaning 360 had the best chance of getting 100 million this generation, of course it had a sublime first year.

360 now has no chance now. PS3 has no chance. It had a sublime first year and wasn't even first in that year. Wii is the only one that has a chance, but it would be a rought route for Wii, jsut for the sake that the console isn't necessarily future proof.

Like the ps2? Didn't that console have a very ordinary first year on the market??



As Sony has stated, by the time the Gamecube and Xbox was able to shipped 4 million units, they were able to shipped 30 million PS2s so yes, that number was very spectacular. How many Xbox 360s and Wiis do you think will be sold by the time Sony ships 30 million PS3s?

 I would say 28 million 360s and maybe 40million wiis.




Zucas said:
People need to understand to sell 100 million you have to have a huge first year. As when you have a huge first year you get deep into the mainstream. What's another way to sell 100 million. Have a huge first year, but that first year, either there was no competition or the competition failed on their own.

Meaning 360 had the best chance of getting 100 million this generation, of course it had a sublime first year.

360 now has no chance now. PS3 has no chance. It had a sublime first year and wasn't even first in that year. Wii is the only one that has a chance, but it would be a rought route for Wii, jsut for the sake that the console isn't necessarily future proof.

 LOL! The 360 did worse in its first year with no competition, but that makes it have the best chance for 100 million? LOL.
Check out the chart below, the PS2 sold almost identical numbers as the PS3 in its first year, and it is at 120 million units now in just 7years.

So if you were to go off of first year sales, and using the PS2 as an example, all 3 consoles could easily make it to 100 million, except the 360 has a weaker chance due to its shorter lifetime. 

If the nintendo doesn't up production, the most the wii will sell in 6 years will be about 130 million. in order to reach 180 million, they would have to up production from 1.8 million a month to 2.5 million. And Nintendo being as conservative as it is probably won't do that.

In order for the PS3 to reach 100 million, it would have to sell 18.1 million consoles every year starting this year to do it in six years (Thats twice as many as they sold this year). To do it in a supposed 10 years, they would have to sell 9.05 million a year, which while feasable is probably not going to happen due to the nautral decline in sales over time.




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