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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can Apple pose a threat to the portable market?

With games already on the ipod and recent rumors of major third parties focusing on making games for the touch(ipod/iphone) devices, will it pose a threat to DS or PSP??



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probably not for the simple reason people are buying it first and foremost as a music/phone. i think it could have a successful gaming career too but not the point ds/psp are really effected.

matters overall support for the feature.

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I doubt it. They have no real experience in the area, and unlike MS I doubt they'd want to buy there way into the club. Even MS seem to be avoiding handhelds - only Sony with PSP and a heck of a lot of patience have got anywhere near taking some share from Nintendo.

I think they'll stick to music and content for a while - in a sense Apple is positioned as the other portable gizmo you have other than a DS.

Personally I prefer PSP to both as it covers games, music, movies, etc. but I think Apple will look at the tough times PSP has faced vs DS and stick to where they know they are the leader.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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no chance at all. I only use apple at home, mac pro, imac, MacBook pro, 3 iPods and 2 iPhones but they will never be a threat to ds or psp

PSN ID: krik

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Short answer: No

Long answer: Nooooooooooooooo

People think the Wii is a very different market than 360/PS3? The touch devices and any games that come out for them represent a far greater leap in market than where the Wii/DS have gone.

If they team up with nintendo next gen

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



No threat because you need a development infrastructure to support it. Nintendo and Sony have vast resources to get software on their platforms. Apple does not. It's not like you can just plop down some hardware and say to devs, ok write software for it now.

No, I'll make sure of that if necessary.