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Awful 7 0.90%
Weedlab said:
bananaking21 said:
Weedlab said:
bananaking21 said:
Weedlab said:
I swear ... some Nintendo fans are the worst bunch here, even worse than the MS extremists. They can't even take complements or genuine concern the right way lol

i wonder who you are talking about. does his username start with a Z? did he post in this thread trying to flaim bait? im certain he isnt this particular person i am talking about. 

He's definitely part of the clique. That one even fights with Nintendo people when they are being realistic lol I can't take fans like that, even the Sony ones, because when Sony messes up I'll call them out. If you have a problem with constructive criticism then you seriously need to go fuck yourself. Look how well it worked on MS with their 180ssss.


If you don't see a problem launching 2 days before GTAV, the biggest game of the year, then something is clearly wrong with you. Sony and Ubisoft paid attention and moved KZ and Rayman away from GTA, respectively.

yeah ill call out sony when they fuck up too. but honestly sometimes i act like im okay with their fuck ups just to piss other people off.

also, can i go fuck my self either way? i think i would enjoy that !

Yea I do that sometimes too lol Like with that GTA leak thing. I was going to post something contrary, but I didn't feel to put a target on my back tonight.


As for the second part .... by all means. Just don't tell me your inches like Spurge and compare it to food. Now I can't look at burritos from Taco Bell the same way again.

i fucking warned you. but admit it, you wanted to know, thats why you entered

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bananaking21 said:
Weedlab said:

Yea I do that sometimes too lol Like with that GTA leak thing. I was going to post something contrary, but I didn't feel to put a target on my back tonight.


As for the second part .... by all means. Just don't tell me your inches like Spurge and compare it to food. Now I can't look at burritos from Taco Bell the same way again.

i fucking warned you. but admit it, you wanted to know, thats why you entered

Yea well at 12 in the night you're looking for mischief, and we didn't have any form of derailment. I didn't think we'd go from tooth pick dicks to Mexico and Subway.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Weedlab said:
bananaking21 said:
Weedlab said:

Yea I do that sometimes too lol Like with that GTA leak thing. I was going to post something contrary, but I didn't feel to put a target on my back tonight.


As for the second part .... by all means. Just don't tell me your inches like Spurge and compare it to food. Now I can't look at burritos from Taco Bell the same way again.

i fucking warned you. but admit it, you wanted to know, thats why you entered

Yea well at 12 in the night you're looking for mischief, and we didn't have any form of derailment. I didn't think we'd go from tooth pick dicks to Mexico and Subway.

please, feel free to NOT fucking share the information you got to know in that thread

Thats it! I'm trading my ps4 per order for ouya. Can't stand this shit no more.

Killzone Shadow Fall : still more great news

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What's going on here?

PSNation, we should be hyping Beyond not GTA!
Besides, GTA will split the praise for Naughty Dog and themselves. While I hope for an amazing game with GTA (and expect no less) a part of me hopes it doesn't quite top TLOU.

Sadly I am sort of expecting it will, which once again is good for the gamer within me but not for the fan/fanboy in me xD

WebMasterFlex said:
Killzone Shadow Fall : still more great news

Omfg please let us have a KZ2 classic game mode where the guns behave like in KZ2!

Or let us adjust amount of Recoil/auto aim/ (Input lag lol)


CMON! Someone ask him!!

Aldro said:
PSNation, we should be hyping Beyond not GTA!
Besides, GTA will split the praise for Naughty Dog and themselves. While I hope for an amazing game with GTA (and expect no less) a part of me hopes it doesn't quite top TLOU.

Sadly I am sort of expecting it will, which once again is good for the gamer within me but not for the fan/fanboy in me xD

Anyone share this boat? :/

Aldro said:
Aldro said:
PSNation, we should be hyping Beyond not GTA!
Besides, GTA will split the praise for Naughty Dog and themselves. While I hope for an amazing game with GTA (and expect no less) a part of me hopes it doesn't quite top TLOU.

Sadly I am sort of expecting it will, which once again is good for the gamer within me but not for the fan/fanboy in me xD

Anyone share this boat? :/

On whether I expect it to top TLOU.  I'm not sure, I can see it doing it because it looks like an amazing huge game.  I think for me though TLOU will still be GOTG.  I have a certain love for linear storytelling games like Uncharted and TLOU that I don't have for open world and FPS shoot 'em ups.

Should we be hyping Beyond instead.  Idk, but when david cage said in an interview that the story is not told in the correct order my hype went up ten fold.  Something about stories that are out of order that make me love them so much more.