GamechaserBE said:
Raven722 said:
Wright said:
Apparently people who hardly contribute to the thread can whine and force us to be the kind of thread they think we should be. I guess having the rules for the thread on the OP and making it clear that this is a place for PlayStation fans to just talk about shit and not a damn PlayStation News hub where we neatly gift wrap things for people and talk only about PlayStation is too hard to understand. Long standing members doing what we've all been doing without complaint from the people who made this thread what it is getting slapped is pretty eyerolling.
Gooch had his moments where he not talked..
If you not can check the link 'set your pages to 100 posts a page' and go to page 260 almost whole the way down. Gooch posted 7 times after each other a picture or a Gif with no word of reason why he had done it.
Gooch has been one of this thread's biggest contributors and the people who made this thread what it is have no problem if from time to time one of us wants to be goofy and post a bunch of random shit. Hell, we don't have a problem with that at all from anyone. We have derailed this thread plenty of times in the past in all sorts of ways. Again, this is just a haven for PlayStation fans. Nothing more, nothing less. How are his random funny pictures being posted a lot any different than a lot of us just talking about random shit or calling each other names a bunch of times in a row? It's not, really. You wouldn't have a damn thread if we all got punished for it.