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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


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Awful 7 0.90%
Pibituh said:

^ That was my first thought too, I've had defended for myself atleast.

I've seen something similar. Some cops was jailing one guy, here comes a second guy that punched the cops. The first guy runs away, the second who punched, got arrested. Yeahh, I see some wicked stuff on my neighborhood, cops firing shotguns to the air at 3pm, it's like once a week. I live close to a think like a Wallmart, but it sells coke and heroin instead ~

Lol Coke-Mart

Around the Network
Raven722 said:

You don't have a PS4 yet, do you?

Nope. No time for consoles since I've been on Wall Street. I unplugged my PS3 and decided to get the PS4 later when I actually get time. All I play is Vita and a N64 emulator on my laptop on work. Sad times


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Soulcalibur: Lost Swords Out Now on PS3

by Jorge Jimenez (39 minutes ago) 0 

Kick some butt, free of charge. Namco Bandai’s free-to-play fighter Soul Caliber: Lost Swords hits the PSN Store

Lost Swords is a free to play fighter out now on the Playstation Store. This single-player onlySoulcaliber takes your custom fighter on a quest for loot and glory.

Soulcalibur: Lost Swords is out now for the grand total of zero dollars. Log in within the first few weeks and you’ll gain some extra gear.

Weedlab said:
Raven722 said:

You don't have a PS4 yet, do you?

Nope. No time for consoles since I've been on Wall Street. I unplugged my PS3 and decided to get the PS4 later when I actually get time. All I play is Vita and a N64 emulator on my laptop on work. Sad times

Sweet. Now I know someone whose ass I can kick if the financial shit hits the fan again. >:D

Raven722 said:

Sweet. Now I know someone whose ass I can kick if the financial shit hits the fan again. >:D

hahahahahaha! Let's hope not. I'm no wolf. xD


*sigh* Hopefully I'll get some free time in the summer. I think I'll be able to do weekends from then. What do you guys normally play together? I'll definitely get it in time for Destiny lol But I'm considering just getting it and keeping it there for when I am ready for it.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Around the Network
Weedlab said:
Raven722 said:

Sweet. Now I know someone whose ass I can kick if the financial shit hits the fan again. >:D

hahahahahaha! Let's hope not. I'm no wolf. xD


*sigh* Hopefully I'll get some free time in the summer. I think I'll be able to do weekends from then. What do you guys normally play together? I'll definitely get it in time for Destiny lol But I'm considering just getting it and keeping it there for when I am ready for it.

I play Battlefield 4 with Tacos and DD. They were playing FF14 together earlier. I will definitely be picking up Destiny.

Raven722 said:

I play Battlefield 4 with Tacos and DD. They were playing FF14 together earlier. I will definitely be picking up Destiny.

Any other mp/coop games you plan on getting this year? I count Destiny, Watch_Dogs and what ever non sports related game Sony pumps out this year. I'm not a big shooter buff, so COD is a big maybe, and that's contingent on you guys getting it.  For some reason, BF seems more interesting as a shooter. I played BF4 by a friend and I actually had some fun. COD: G ..... not so much.


As for FF14 ... I'm staying away from anything that will suck my hours away since I already have no life now. That goes double for TES: Online.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Weedlab said:

Any other mp/coop games you plan on getting this year? I count Destiny, Watch_Dogs and what ever non sports related game Sony pumps out this year. I'm not a big shooter buff, so COD is a big maybe, and that's contingent on you guys getting it.  For some reason, BF seems more interesting as a shooter. I played BF4 by a friend and I actually had some fun. COD: G ..... not so much.


As for FF14 ... I'm staying away from anything that will suck my hours away since I already have no life now. That goes double for TES: Online.

Dude I am getting so many games this year I forget which ones I'm even excited about. As far as multiplayer or co-op Destiny is my big one for the year. I will be picking up Evolve also. Watch Dogs will be fun to invade someone's game. I'm sure something else will get announced for E3 and I'll probably cry in a corner rocking back and forth. Hating myself for being a gamer.

I have FF14 on the PC but right now I'm just not down for spending a lot of time on an MMO. I'm sure once EverQuest Next comes out I'll be singing a different tune. I played the beta for TES: Online and watched my friend play the release version. Hated it. Every bit of it.

Raven722 said:
Weedlab said:
Raven722 said:

Sweet. Now I know someone whose ass I can kick if the financial shit hits the fan again. >:D

hahahahahaha! Let's hope not. I'm no wolf. xD


*sigh* Hopefully I'll get some free time in the summer. I think I'll be able to do weekends from then. What do you guys normally play together? I'll definitely get it in time for Destiny lol But I'm considering just getting it and keeping it there for when I am ready for it.

I play Battlefield 4 with Tacos and DD. They were playing FF14 together earlier. I will definitely be picking up Destiny.

You should be playing with us.