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Around the Network
ethomaz said:

I make a translate of the official 1.7 firmware on GAF... so I'm sharing with you guys.

Features added:

+ Ustream, Twitch Archive
+ Ustream, Twitch HD quality
+ Ustream, Twitch tag/comments
+ SHAREfactory
+ Vita TV Remote Play
+ Turn off the HDCP
+ Preloading games from PS Store
+ Passcore input to pair Remove Play devices

I think SHAREfactory is going to be a very nice addition 

More Demon than Souls.
More than four years have passed since From Software's Demon's Souls arrived in the States, and most Western developers have done the equivalent of meandering around in the dark, not daring to step into the white fog and even attempt to approach its modern interpretation of old-school gameplay. Maybe they find the franchise too niche, too uninviting for new players, but you would suspect that its critical acclaim and unrelenting fan base would convince at least a few to follow suit. Thankfully, CI Games, German studio Deck13 known for Venetica, and Namco Bandai are combining their forces to answer the call in Lords of the Fallen.


Having seen the introductory sequence of the game twice before, once at PAX and at an early Namco Bandai showcase this year, I was intrigued by a hands-off demonstration of a mid-game level centered around the catacombs. Now, saying "mid-game" is only accurate if you follow the sequence of areas laid our in increasing difficulty. There's little stopping you from entering the catacombs and facing a greater challenge for bonus XP and higher-level weapons that will decimate the easier sections that were skipped.​

Most encounters in Lords of the Fallen are head-to-head match-ups, duels where spacing and circle strafing matter just as much as your equipment setup and overall build. Sometimes you'll want to rock a sword and shield to block incoming attacks, or a bladed claw for inflicting damage quickly, or perhaps a staff for longer melee range.

Handling infected grunts who are your same size won't be a problem, so long as you're careful by paying attention to your surroundings and the enemy's attack patterns (an enemy class will learn new attacks later in the level, denoted by slight change of clothing). In one instance against a mini-boss, the protagonist Harkin could clash with the beast toe-to-toe or taunt it to follow him back over some wooden planks that hide a hole.

The developers also revealed that Harkin doesn't have tattoos for looking badass, though he does. No, this is meant to be a scar, a Scarlet Letter, that immediately tells all who look upon him that he has sinned against the ways of the so-called Codex. As for Harkin, he's got the most tattoos out of everyone, so he's not exactly the kind of person you want to approach for a friendly chat. But as a new evil force threatens their kingdom and no one has been able to return as to its cause, it dawns on them that Harkin may just be the best shot they have. Why not fight evil with evil?

The emphasis on Harkin's story is but one feature that sends the game apart from the Souls series. Combat is much faster, rolling does not take away stamina, magical spells like decoys seem more effective, and the lighting has a starker contrast. That said, you can also bank XP at a save point just as you would souls and a New Game+ is currently on the developer's agenda. We'll just have to see whether Lords of the Fallen will be able to satisfy fans of both action gameplay styles when it releases later in Fall 2014 for PS4, XONE, and PC.

DD_Bwest said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
I play my ps4 everyday!

im 16 now and just got to the quest about doing instanced quests.   should we do this tonight?

Yes! What time?

PS4 Games Could See Increased Visual Fidelity, Lesser Load Times, Granite’s Texture Streaming Detailed

Graphine’s CEO Aljosha Demeulemeester explains how hardware virtual texturing works using Granite SDK.

PlayStation 4 features PSSL [PlayStation Shader Language], a custom shader language which is a mix of DX11 and OpenGL 4.4. Many of you must not be aware that the PlayStation 4 is capable of supporting Partially Resident Textures, which is  roughly equivalent to tiled streaming using DirectX on the Xbox One.

So what are Partially Resident Textures? As the name suggests, Partially Resident Textures are the only texture portions that needs to be placed in the GPU at one time. John Carmack’s famous ‘Megatexture’ technology in RAGE is an excellent example of  Partially Resident Textures. In short this method improves the cache and memory bandwidth. So if the developer does not want to render an entire texture, he/she can load only the relevant bits resulting into better texture streaming and cutting down the amount of redundant texture processing.

This is where Graphine Software comes in. Graphine focuses on delivering texture streaming and texture compression middleware for the games and visualization industries. Using Graphine Software’s Granite SDK, even more better looking games with reduced load times can be made possible on the PlayStation 4.

Aljosha Demeulemeester, Graphine CEO confirmed to GamingBolt that Partial Resident Textures for the PlayStation 4 is aimed at doing the same thing as the Tiled Resources feature of DX 11.1+ using Granite SDK.

“Sony has announced that Partially Resident Textures (PRT) is available for PS4. This is aimed at doing the same thing as the Tiled Resources feature of DX 11.1+. We sometime refer to both using the term ‘hardware virtual texturing’,” he said to GamingBolt.

So how does Granite SDK actually works with  ‘hardware virtual texturing’ and how it can improve graphical fidelity and cut down load times? Aljosha gave a very in-depth explanation for the same.

“We call Granite SDK a fine-grained streaming system because we load very small tiles of texture data. This is happening in the background while playing the game. The size of the tiles is configurable but a commonly used setting is 128×128 pixels. When using virtual texturing, you will only load the texture tiles into memory that are actually viewed by the virtual camera. The main benefit is that you can save on the amount of video memory that you need for you texture data, but there are a bunch of side benefits. Loading times are reduced and disk access is more constant and predictable. The bottom-line is that you can really increase the graphical fidelity of games, while staying within the limited of the current hardware,” Aljosha stated to GamingBolt.

But due to slightly different architectures of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One [the former has unified and the latter has embedded memory architecture], is the process of texture streaming different across the two consoles? This question could easily come up for a developer who is working on a multiplatform game using the Granite SDK.

That is actually not a problem, according to Aljosha. “Granite SDK indeed takes care of all the platform specific stuff and makes sure that you’re up and running quickly on both platforms. Granite exposes a set of configuration parameters like the size of the texture cache in main memory, the amount of threads used for decoding, the maximum allowed throughput of texture data per frame, etc.”

However a game developer will still need to tweak the parameters according to the game’s needs.

“A game developer will want to tweak these parameters depending on the behaviour of his/her own game, and based on the capabilities of the hardware of a specific platform. We provide fast implementations of the Granite runtime for both platforms so that only the values of these configuration parameters might change on the different platforms(from the game developer’s perspective that is),” Aljosha added.

Granite SDK currently supports PC, Mac, Linux, PS4 and Xbox One.

This is just a snippet of our interview with Graphine Software and we will have the complete interview this Friday.

Around the Network
manny10032 said:
ethomaz said:

I make a translate of the official 1.7 firmware on GAF... so I'm sharing with you guys.

Features added:

+ Ustream, Twitch Archive
+ Ustream, Twitch HD quality
+ Ustream, Twitch tag/comments
+ SHAREfactory
+ Vita TV Remote Play
+ Turn off the HDCP
+ Preloading games from PS Store
+ Passcore input to pair Remove Play devices

I think SHAREfactory is going to be a very nice addition 

Definitely the addition I'm most looking forward to. Though being able to preload games might be what makes me buy digital more often.

pezus said:

The lighting is godlike!

I am just really hoping this one is awesome. I loved the first one. The second one was good but there were just so many things about it they dumbed down.

Mmmfishtacos said:
DD_Bwest said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
I play my ps4 everyday!

im 16 now and just got to the quest about doing instanced quests.   should we do this tonight?

Yes! What time?

just after 4pst/7est give or take.   ill be getting home just before 4 and then do my usual thing lol

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

Raven722 said:

Definitely the addition I'm most looking forward to. Though being able to preload games might be what makes me buy digital more often.

holy shit i didnt even read that. preloading is going to be huge!!

manny10032 said:
Raven722 said:

Definitely the addition I'm most looking forward to. Though being able to preload games might be what makes me buy digital more often.

holy shit i didnt even read that. preloading is going to be huge!!

Lol Well I'm glad I pointed something out that made you even happier.