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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


How does this make you feel?

Happy 549 70.38%
Sad 17 2.18%
Scared 4 0.51%
Excited 4 0.51%
Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%
Weedlab said:
EB1994 said:
Wow guys someone in this forum has played The Order! Unfortunately it sucks, and I trust his unbiased opinion. Preorder cancelled.

Oh? I read a comment earlier about it being another boring shooter in a thread where the creator said it was a risky endeavor. Sheesh ... people should at least employ a wait and see approach before they cast judgement.

Get the fuck out of here. We don't need your logic in these parts!

Around the Network
Raven722 said:
Weedlab said:

Oh? I read a comment earlier about it being another boring shooter in a thread where the creator said it was a risky endeavor. Sheesh ... people should at least employ a wait and see approach before they cast judgement.

Get the fuck out of here. We don't need your logic in these parts!

I know right! And 720p = 1080p.


*getting the fuck out of here*














*unfriends Raven seconds later*


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

gooch_destroyer said:
Poll: Should I get Blazblue CP for the PS3 with the limited Edition or wait for the Vita?

Give the Vita version a sale, dag nabbit.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Weedlab said:
Raven722 said:
Weedlab said:

Oh? I read a comment earlier about it being another boring shooter in a thread where the creator said it was a risky endeavor. Sheesh ... people should at least employ a wait and see approach before they cast judgement.

Get the fuck out of here. We don't need your logic in these parts!

I know right! And 720p = 1080p.


*getting the fuck out of here*














*unfriends Raven seconds later*

the-pi-guy said:
Weedlab said:

*unfriends Raven seconds later*

At least he got farther than me.  Good for him.  

Well I'm feeling easy tonight so you might still get lucky.

Around the Network
the-pi-guy said:
Weedlab said:

*unfriends Raven seconds later*

At least he got farther than me.  Good for him.  

That's what you get for choosing Kurosaki over me, you ...  over used garden tool


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Weedlab said:
the-pi-guy said:
Weedlab said:

*unfriends Raven seconds later*

At least he got farther than me.  Good for him.  

That's what you get for choosing Kurosaki over me, you ...  over used garden tool


Weedlab said:
TheGoldenBoy said:
Weedlab said:
If Beyond does end up on PS4, I'll double dip for sure. I have a thing for definitive versions of games, and the game was great, in my view. Anybody else plan on getting it if it does end up on PS4?

Not until it gets cheaper... I'm broke and need to save up for some other games I really want.

What games do you have in mind?

100% I'm getting:

  • Destiny
  • Batman: Arkham Knight
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Super Smash Bros. Wii U
  • A Wii U for SSB 

Maybe getting:

  • The Order 1886
  • Watch_Dogs
  • UFC
  • NBA 2K15
  • NHL 15
  • WWE 2K15
  • The Last of Us Remastered

Those are just off the top of my head. My list is probably longer so yeah I have a lot of games I want and less money to spend

Raven722 said:


Is there an association between your comment before and this symbol, which looks like a mouth opening up wide? :-O


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

TheGoldenBoy said:
Weedlab said:
TheGoldenBoy said:
Weedlab said:
If Beyond does end up on PS4, I'll double dip for sure. I have a thing for definitive versions of games, and the game was great, in my view. Anybody else plan on getting it if it does end up on PS4?

Not until it gets cheaper... I'm broke and need to save up for some other games I really want.

What games do you have in mind?

100% I'm getting:

  • Destiny
  • Batman: Arkham Knight
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Super Smash Bros. Wii U
  • A Wii U for SSB

Maybe getting:

  • The Order 1886
  • Watch_Dogs
  • UFC
  • NBA 2K15
  • NHL 15
  • WWE 2K15
  • The Last of Us Remastered

Those are just off the top of my head. My list is probably longer so yeah I have a lot of games I want and less money to spend