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Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%

It is on the store, I've just checked 30 minutes agoo and double-checked now. It still gives a "Page not found" error when you click on it, but I guess they just haven't finished filling out the page. Or some eager beaver put the link a bit ahead of time.

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Hankoney said:
It is on the store, I've just checked 30 minutes agoo and double-checked now. It still gives a "Page not found" error when you click on it, but I guess they just haven't finished filling out the page. Or some eager beaver put the link a bit ahead of time.

somebody at sony is gonna get a spanking. 

Now that I think about it. I would pay 60 bucks again because the MP was simply amazing.

I'd pay $60 again only if I won the loto by then.

I think this price is more for 360 owners coming over to ps4.

JoeTheBro said:
I'd pay $60 again only if I won the loto by then.

I think this price is more for 360 owners coming over to ps4.

would you buy me one if you won the loto?

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JoeTheBro said:
I'd pay $60 again only if I won the loto by then.

I think this price is more for 360 owners coming over to ps4.

Yeah agree, I wonder how many people jumped from the 360 to the ps4. But if they can make it an amazing remaster and show us that's it's worth 50 euros (including dlc), than I'll even consider buying it again.

Once you entered you won't be the same anymore. A blog about life.

bananaking21 said:
JoeTheBro said:
I'd pay $60 again only if I won the loto by then.

I think this price is more for 360 owners coming over to ps4.

would you buy me one if you won the loto?

Of course.

JoeTheBro said:

Of course.

thats it then, i must rig the loto and let you win it. 


sounds like an easy thing to do honestly. 

They will most likely use this as a free game bundle with the ps4? To fight xbox price cuts/bundles ?-
Nonetheless, It's like waiving a big sign to xbox users to come over and play the real game of the generation. lol

Pibituh said:
They will most likely use this as a free game bundle with the ps4? To fight xbox price cuts/bundles ?-
Nonetheless, It's like waiving a big sign to xbox users to come over and play the real game of the generation. lol

yeah this is mostly to bring in some Xbox 360 gamers who really wanted to play the game but didnt want to buy a PS3. i can see it moving a few consoles. now if those DriveCLub release date rumors are true and TLoU PS4 releases in summer, PS4 will look like it will have a decent summer.