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Fusioncode said:
Man we're really running out of things to talk about in this thread. We need some announcements soon.

E3 is almost here :D....... >.> Can't wait for the filler news by gaming outlets lol

edit: forgot to mention Pax East is right around the corner!

Squeezol's Fanclub Member? is that how it works?

Why can't I hold all these no gaemz?

Always looking to improve my awful drawings ;_; 

Around the Network
Fusioncode said:
Man we're really running out of things to talk about in this thread. We need some announcements soon.

Well the Smash Bros direct isnt far away now, we can all be hyped about it until Sony gives us something hype worthy

Kresnik said:
I am not even kidding, I posted in this thread last night because Gooch asked me to and I logged on this morning and my post wasn't here :(

Reported for failing Pezus and Gooch.

Driveclub’s Release Date Pegged on Last Day of E3 by Dell; Matches Previous Rumors

by Giuseppe Nelva (9 hours ago) 21 

Driveclub still doesn’t have an official release date, but Dell is now sending out emails to customers pegging the launch day on June 12th. The date appeared on the site as well.

That’s definitely an interesting date. It’s not the end or the beginning of a fiscal quarter (which would be the telltale sign of a placeholder), and it matches previous rumors started by the ItalianOfficial PlayStation Magazine that mentioned a possible release in June.

Even more interestingly, June 12th is the last day of E3. The possibility is definitely intriguing, as Sony could use the release of the massively anticipated racing game to draw more attention on its line-up during the show.

Normally E3 is about games that won’t be released for a long while, but having a big first party release right around the corner could definitely help in grabbing the spotlight. Interestingly enough, a very similar initiative was taken with The Last of Us, that released the day after last year’s E3.

The game also recently appeared on Sony’s own rewards site, but was then removed, as the site normally offers only games that have already been released.

Of course we should consider this with a much needed serving of skepticism until Sony makes an official announcement, but the date seems realistic. Will it be real? We’ll have to wait and see.

Square Enix savoir has a new PS4 commercial for nearing its release.

CPU: Ryzen 9950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5
Around the Network
pezus said:
^This would be great. Nice game for the summer.

It'll be great for Sony to keep momentum until the Fall. Especially if The Last of Us for PS4 turns out to be true and is also releasing in the Summer.

deskpro2k3 said:

Square Enix savoir has a new PS4 commercial for nearing its release.

It's really amazing what Square Enix managed to pull off with this game. I do believe it's the first time ever that a failed MMO was rebuilt and re-released to become a success without needing to go Free-to-Play. It's also pretty sweet that the PS4 runs the game so well at such level of detail considering that it's one of the most visually demanding MMOs on the market.

Watch Dogs: More Info Shared on PS4 Version, Gameplay and Sexual Content; The Delay “Really Made a Difference”

by Giuseppe Nelva (1 hour ago) 4 

The much awaited release date of Watch_Dogs is drawing closer by the day, and the development team is continuing to use Twitter to provide more information to their fans.

Creative Director Jonathan Morin mentioned that the screenshots showcased two days ago inan article on Gamespot were shot on a PS4 dev kit, which is very peculiar, since they include the button layout of an Xbox controller.

Same as the others: PS4 Devkit capture.

I actually asked Morin for a further clarification on this one, as the presence of the Xbox button layout is strange (even if justifiable by the fact that it’s running on a dev kit, I guess), and I’ll update if he responds.

Morin was also asked if the lovely light reflective cobblestone shown in the screenshot below (from a video shown last November) will still be present in the PS4 version of the game, and he confirmed that it will be.

Another question sought a clarification on the rather demanding CPU requirements for the PC version of the game, and Morin responded that while he’s not a programmer so he can’t offer a precise reply, there’s a lot going on in the game, requiring a high density of computations:

I’m no programmer : / so I can’t really answer this one accurately. One thing is sure, there’s a lot going on in WD…

Animation Director Colin Graham joined Morin in answering questions, and gave quite a few pieces of interesting information himself. First of all he mentioned that parkour animations “adapt” to the path chosen by the player:

You pick a path and the animation adapts to that path. Its definatly not scripted… Watch_Dogs is open world.

He also mentioned that there won’t be any upgrading for vehicles in the game, as it’s not needed:

Vehicles don’t really need to be upgraded instead you upgrade your hacking and driving skills…

According to Graham we won’t be able to use Police cars as tools to protect victims (by hacking the computer, I imagine), as Aiden Pierce has other tools for that, but at least we’ll be able to run the sirens.

He was also asked how much sexual content is included in the game. The question specifically mentioned whether the user would need to lower the volume of the TV or not, and Graham gave a rather tongue-in-cheek answer:

I guess that depends on your living arrangements… but probably the loud gunfire and explosions will be more disruptive…

Finally, Graham shared that the extra months spent on development thanks to the delay really made a difference:

The extra months really make a difference, we are glad we did, because the game is so much fun to play.

If that isn’t enough, he also revealed that he’s flying to Paris for another presentation of the game, even if what is going to be shown there is a secret. Tt least we know that it’s happening, and we can expect to see or read something new soon.


First Project Morpheus PS4 Game Announced?

Posted on Apr 5 2014 - 7:06pm by shak

Despite Sony’s virtual reality hardware just being announced, Project Morpheus looks like it is already getting the attention of the developing community, with a popular Kickstarter game already wanting to use the headset in their game. Renegade Kid, known for games like Dementium on the DS, are developing a new horror game called Cult County for PlayStation platforms, as well as PC and Xbox One. The Kickstarter campaign was updated with an image of Shuhei Yoshida revealing the headset at GDC 2014, with the following details:

Many of you may have heard of the new Morpheus VR headset from Sony for PS4. It is something that we are very excited about, and something we will be getting our hands on in the near future to utilize with Cult County. This device will offer a tremendous sense presence in the game – a perfect fit for a first-person survival horror title that is designed to scare your pants off!

Shuhei Yoshida has also tweeted about backing the campaign on his twitter feed. If anyone wants to pledge some money, the Kickstarter is still going, and can be accessed at this link:



Considering that other games have been announced as supporting the VR headset like EVE: Valkyrie, Project Cars, and Until Dawn I don't know why the author called it "the first Project Morpheus PS4 game" but it's still exciting nonetheless.

No way a PS4 DevKit footage have A and B.

PC or Xbone for sure.