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Raven722 said:
DD_Bwest said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
Welp, seems like Mercenary kings is broken.

Couldn't get online to work, except on level, and even that was broke.

And, i was playing the mission Steal soldier. I got to the mech boss and died, but the game never reset the boss, so he was still going behind a barrier I couldn't enter.. lame.

I'm glad I didn't pay 20 dollars for this game.

yea i played a few levels.. and its utter crap lol really dissapointed in this months offering..  ohwell

Is it just simply a bad game or is it really buggy?

The game has potential, but there are bugs, game crashing bugs at that. I got to the end of a level and it crashed, spend 10+15 min getting to the end to find my self staring at an error report screen. 

I figured out what was going on with the steal soldier mission. but online is still broken. 

Around the Network

i bought that might & magic game, cant wait to play it

I'm pretty sure mercenary kings was made by a guy from vgchartz. I'll do some investigator work.

Note: If I find him, I'm not going to post his fully name.

I'll just leave this here...

Daylight PlayStation 4

Zombie Studios Release Date: Apr 8, 2014

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

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Ugh I hate Mercenary Kings already and I have not yet downloaded it :s;.

What about putty squad?

Putty squads a real thing? O_o

PSn - greencactaur
Nintendo Switch FC - SW - 5152 - 6393 - 5140 Please feel free to add me :)

GamechaserBE said:
Ugh I hate Mercenary Kings already and I have not yet downloaded it :s;.

What about putty squad?

Don't fuck around with Carrots!

So has Sony ever given a reason why we can't change PSN IDs?

Based on the fact the unique key to our account is our email address (it's what we log in with) and pretty much all other details can be changed, why can't the username? Maybe I am over simplifying it, they for some reason might have the PSN name tied into things instead of creating a unique user number like they should have done account creation but it seems strange to me based on my knowledge of databases.

So as long as the name we want is available then why can't we have it?

Hmm, pie.

the-pi-guy said:

He replied, “We are not replacing [PSN IDs], but we are adding another option for people to input their own real name. They have some control of how their real name is exposed to everyone or friends. It’s actually a common question that I’ve been asked is ‘Can I change my PSN ID?’ That’s a very common request, and I wish we could say ‘Yes, you can”, but it’s very technically complex. I can’t answer that, really.”

I think there was a more thorough answer, but I can't find it.  

The reason I mention this is because while I'm happy with my name, me and my brother were talking about other people's usernames when playing an online game, I see rubbish name after rubbish name. No one capitalises their names (for some reason PSN is title case yet I can't create 2 usernames the exactly the same, one with uppercase the other lowercase), people who have names like 'Xx-SNIPES-xX69' are stuck with it forever. Things like that, allowing someone to change their username would go a long way.

People seem to just say 'Just create a new one.' don't get that many like to keep their trophies or don't have 15 spare email addresses to attach to these new accounts. Based on the idea you could use your real name, I wouldn't even give my real name out here, let alone to strangers on the internet, my friends already know my real name so what's the point in that?

I can understand why they say it but reasons about just don't cut it and unless they technically come out and say what they did to make the username so required and 'stuck', I'll never understand.

Hmm, pie.