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You can link your inFAMOUS: Second Son paper trail account with your PSN account now if you guys haven't done so already.

CPU: Ryzen 9950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5 Pro
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DakonBlackblade said:
ktay95 said:
DakonBlackblade said:

Can anyone plz tell me where I get the information contained in the thread titles from these oficial Playstation/Wii/Xbox threads ? Cause theyre not in the OP and in the last efw pages of the thread I alwas find all sorts of things but the info displayed on the title.

Just ask us and someone will tell you. They are literally just random posts somewhere in the threads

Ty, so whats the story about the large scale exclusive RPG comming to PS4 ?

and nobody answers haha, guess their all sleeping. I too have no idea =(

Hey guys whats this about a RPG exclusive to PS4??

gooch_destroyer said:
Pibituh said:

Great. I need to buy that bundle. I wanted on release, but I was kinda of lazy and dind't drive throught my locals shop to see pre-orders bundles  ~

I hope I get it this week or so ~

Good luck.

Thank you sir  :3

I'm almost certain some store will have that 1 bundle there waiting for me :)

ktay95 said:

and nobody answers haha, guess their all sleeping. I too have no idea =(

Hey guys whats this about a RPG exclusive to PS4??

I would like to know that too  :o

Robotecheaven has it in his sig. He's part of the 65 person team making the game and filled us in on some details.

The title is just silly though. Pezus, just put the title at the top of the op and hotlink within the title to each post with the info. Problem solved.

Aaaaand go the 3rd power in Infamous. Don't know if I like it yet. Almost freed the entire city and got too many shards to spare so I'm going for the story now. Looking forward to my evil playthrough.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network

Completed infamous on normal - good.
How do I check playtime again?

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

Mmmfishtacos said:
Well i just put 8.5 hour into second son, I'd have to say the game is great. I just got my second power too. but i've cleared a lot of the map and maxed out smoke. About got neon maxed about because off all the extra shards i had stacked up. Anygame that can keep my attention that long in a single seating is a must buy. Pretty decent. And the powers are interesting enough to keep you playing. Dealing with the DUP can be a choir at times. But once you master how to use you powers that becomes a lot of fun. One of my favorit things in the game is the taging sections. It's cool, to turn you controller and shake it like a paint can and then fill in the stencil. I wish they'd let you do the whole painting, and it would be nice if you had to arrange the stencil set correctly to get the final painting, but still cool, and a nice break from the normal aspect of the game.

I find it so satisfying and immersive. true talk. The game is brilliant. Gameplay is ace. I feel sorry for anyone who thinks infamous SS is all graphics over gameplay.

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

vivster said:
Aaaaand go the 3rd power in Infamous. Don't know if I like it yet. Almost freed the entire city and got too many shards to spare so I'm going for the story now. Looking forward to my evil playthrough.

That third power is awesome. Just upgrade it, and witness the meaning of  awesomeness. I finished the game at 81% complete on good. Need to get 100% before playing evil. Enjoy. 

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

CFinlay said:
Hi Guys,

I am new to VGC forums so can't create my own thread as I haven't left 50 comments, so apologies if this ruins this thread and is a little off topic but here goes. I'm currently a 360 owner but wanting to switch PS4 for the next generation, mainly due to the exclusives PS3 had and hopefully Sony will be bring just as great games to the PS4 generation. As there haven't been too many AAA games for PS4 some of the Indies caught my attention, mainly the PS+ free games. In particular Resogun and Dead Nation, this brings me on to my question "If i was to buy a PS4 with PS+ would I still be eligible to get these two games for free or are they only free for their designated months"

Also it would be great to know a few peoples top PS4 or any they would recommend for a first game for the system.

Thanks for your time

welcome to VGC! and dont worry about going off topic in this thread, we do it all the time. infact once a mod came in and told us to stay on topic because all we talked about was off topic

i would say its a good call switching to PS4, im personally loving it! for now, i think, not sure, that every game released on PS+ is still there, they will reach a point were they will start removing games and putting others in their place, but i am not sure when. 

Also, i would recommend Don't starve, its amazing. much better than Dead Nation (totally different games though). the first hour or two from dont starve will be boring, but then you will get into it. 

Another thing, i would really disregard metascore regarding games, personally i have played Killzone, and while it has a meg single player, the Multiplayer is outstanding honestly. reviewers just didnt get it justice. it takes a deep learning curve to know how to get around in the multiplayer and not suck, but once you get the hang of it its really fun. between me and you (and everybody reading this) recently i have been enjoying my time with KZ:SF more than i enjoyed the titanfall beta. but i cant say i like it more than TF, because i just played the beta. 

DakonBlackblade said:
ktay95 said:
DakonBlackblade said:

Can anyone plz tell me where I get the information contained in the thread titles from these oficial Playstation/Wii/Xbox threads ? Cause theyre not in the OP and in the last efw pages of the thread I alwas find all sorts of things but the info displayed on the title.

Just ask us and someone will tell you. They are literally just random posts somewhere in the threads

Ty, so whats the story about the large scale exclusive RPG comming to PS4 ?

a user in her is saying he is developing a large scale RPG exclusivly for PS4. robotic heaven or something like that is his username.