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Is it just me, or are reviewers extremely harsh for inFAMOUS?

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Mmmfishtacos said:
Damn troll reviews from no name sites. This is why meta is broken as fuck. Plus not all sites use the same scoring systems.

Egh, regardless it is showing that critics collectively think it's a good game just not a great one. This pretty much puts Infamous in the same bracket as Dead Rising or Forza for critical reception. Which is good because the PS4 had no retail exclusives even in that range so far, disappointing as the overall reception has been for some. 

poklane said:
Is it just me, or are reviewers extremely harsh for inFAMOUS?

theres no multiplayer, bro!!  Automatic 2 points off!!!  And shhhhhh, we don't have to tell anybody we docked points for no MP.  We'll just put in some fake negatives so we don't show how bad of journalist we are! :-p lulz

nnodley said:
poklane said:
Is it just me, or are reviewers extremely harsh for inFAMOUS?

theres no multiplayer, bro!!  Automatic 2 points off!!!  And shhhhhh, we don't have to tell anybody we docked points for no MP.  We'll just put in some fake negatives so we don't show how bad of journalist we are! :-p lulz

But seriously, people giving the game a 7/10 for not doing anything new in the genre, but then they give games like BF4 a 9.5 LMAO. Measuring with 2 sizes that is...

Mmmfishtacos said:
Damn troll reviews from no name sites. This is why meta is broken as fuck. Plus not all sites use the same scoring systems.

This is why you should remove the Top 5 reviews and the Bottom 5 reviews to have a better idea, from the final average, so that you would cut some 10s or 9s, but also some meaningless 4s or 6s, from less professional reviewers only looking for spot and visibility.  

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.

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nnodley said:
Raven722 said:
Typically the metacritic average of the game doesn't move much once it hits 30 reviews. It may go up or down a few points. If the reviews don't start looking better I might cancel my pre-order. I really don't want to spend another $60 on a game that's just 'good'. I have better uses for that money right now.

Uhh!!  Practically every "consumer" that got the game early has given the game huge praise.  Awesome powers, better story than the first two, amazing graphics, fluid gameplay, fun traversal.  Only negative I've heard from actual consumers not being paid(:-p) is that the side missions are not any better than the first two.  If you still are on the fence come tomorrow, then wait till we here in the nation thread give our impressions as atleast I will give my complete honest opinion.  

Sorry man but I already got burned on Killzone and I've seen enough through livestreams to have formed my opinion, as much as one can without actually playing, that the game is good but it feels like something is missing that the previous games had. I really don't want to spend another $60 on a game that I play for awhile and then don't touch. I already have AC4 that I haven't finished and BF4 has been calling my name lately. I might still pick it up but I'm leaning towards no on this one.

poklane said:
nnodley said:
poklane said:
Is it just me, or are reviewers extremely harsh for inFAMOUS?

theres no multiplayer, bro!!  Automatic 2 points off!!!  And shhhhhh, we don't have to tell anybody we docked points for no MP.  We'll just put in some fake negatives so we don't show how bad of journalist we are! :-p lulz

But seriously, people giving the game a 7/10 for not doing anything new in the genre, but then they give games like BF4 a 9.5 LMAO. Measuring with 2 sizes that is...

And reviewers who operate like that should be ignored.  If they're not applying the same things to every game they review, they're not worth anyone's time.

mornelithe said:
poklane said:
nnodley said:
poklane said:
Is it just me, or are reviewers extremely harsh for inFAMOUS?

theres no multiplayer, bro!!  Automatic 2 points off!!!  And shhhhhh, we don't have to tell anybody we docked points for no MP.  We'll just put in some fake negatives so we don't show how bad of journalist we are! :-p lulz

But seriously, people giving the game a 7/10 for not doing anything new in the genre, but then they give games like BF4 a 9.5 LMAO. Measuring with 2 sizes that is...

And reviewers who operate like that should be ignored.  If they're not applying the same things to every game they review, they're not worth anyone's time.

Just watch and see the same reviewers give the game Mario Kart 8 an 9.5/10.....

poklane said:
nnodley said:
poklane said:
Is it just me, or are reviewers extremely harsh for inFAMOUS?

theres no multiplayer, bro!!  Automatic 2 points off!!!  And shhhhhh, we don't have to tell anybody we docked points for no MP.  We'll just put in some fake negatives so we don't show how bad of journalist we are! :-p lulz

But seriously, people giving the game a 7/10 for not doing anything new in the genre, but then they give games like BF4 a 9.5 LMAO. Measuring with 2 sizes that is...

Exactly!!  Shit is annoying as fuck.  The people who can't see that this is a freaking huge problem with games journalism are also what will be the problem because they will treat reviews as something you have to read/watch in order to see what's a good game and what's not. 

nnodley said:
poklane said:
nnodley said:
poklane said:
Is it just me, or are reviewers extremely harsh for inFAMOUS?

theres no multiplayer, bro!!  Automatic 2 points off!!!  And shhhhhh, we don't have to tell anybody we docked points for no MP.  We'll just put in some fake negatives so we don't show how bad of journalist we are! :-p lulz

But seriously, people giving the game a 7/10 for not doing anything new in the genre, but then they give games like BF4 a 9.5 LMAO. Measuring with 2 sizes that is...

Exactly!!  Shit is annoying as fuck.  The people who can't see that this is a freaking huge problem with games journalism are also what will be the problem because they will treat reviews as something you have to read/watch in order to see what's a good game and what's not. 

Or people saying there isn't enough variety in enemies (DUP). I'm like: did you ever fucking play GTA? I only see guns in that franchise, but everyone gives that shit a 10/10..