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Driveclub: “Every Location Is Precise Down to the Angle of Light. Flora Is Detailed to the Species”

by Giuseppe Nelva (3 hours ago) 11 

One of the most impressive elements of Evolution Studios’ upcoming PS4 exclusive Driveclub is the level of detail of the environments surrounding the tracks that will appear in the game, and a couple interesting new elements have been unveiled by Sony’s own Be Moved” website.

By scrolling all the way down to the PS4 section, which is the second to last one, not only you’ll be treated to a fantastic animation of a DualShock 4 controller assembling itself, but there also are a couple hidden paragraphs, one of which is about Driveclub.


Artists imagine new worlds. Engineers bring them to life. DriveClub is a new driving game that takes realism to the next level. Every location is precise down to the angle of light. Flora is detailed to the species. The cars are made of a staggering 250,000 polygons. So the feeling of driving is as real as the world created.

While we already knew the polygon count of the game’s cars, the parts about the angle of light and the rendition of the flora are impressive. While I’m not sure how easily a casual observer or even just a player speeding down a hill at 150 mph can notice the difference, it’s quite impressive to see how much attention to apparently negligible details has been poured into the game.

It’s just another hint on how much work goes into making the games we love, even if often we won’t even consciously notice its results.

This game sounds better everytime i hear about it. Sounds like the first true next gen racer. 

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Bodycheck Coming to PS Vita

+ Posted by David Thompson // Founder, Ludometrics

Hiya. I’m David, the de-facto Chief Person at Ludometrics, based in Glasgow, Scotland. The team here has been around for a long time in various forms, prior to teaming up again at Ludometrics; we originally made games for mobile phones way back last century, if you can imagine that.

Today, though, I’m here to tell you about Bodycheck, a game I’ve been waiting to make for quite a long time. Sometimes, as it’s said, all you need is a little patience.

Bodycheck is a sports game for people who don’t necessarily like sports. Personally, I’m a fan of sports. I can sports with the best of them. But I find most sports games of recent years lack a certain something-something. Perhaps they’re not physical enough, or they manage not to capture the chaos of play, or sometimes they’re just a bit ponderous.

Bodycheck will (hopefully) contain that certain something-something. I love reading about the origins of football in the Middle Ages, with 500 players per team and matches lasting days — and the ball was actually a pig’s head.

We won’t have that many players per team in the game, and matches will be a tad shorter, but punching, scratching, and general unnecessary roughness are all actively encouraged during play. Just remember to score more points than your opponents.

Speaking of the Middle Ages, we’re also taking a cue from tales of sorcerers, witchcraft, and alchemists. You’ll have the ability to cast spells (need to resurrect one of your teammates? No problem. How about taking out your opponents with lightning bolts?), and use powerful items (the portable hole is a firm favourite). Perhaps you need a few more seconds to score the winning points in a match, or the reverse: to stop the match early while you’re in front? Simply bribe the timekeeper.

So Bodycheck is a sports game with no rules against foul play, magic powers, and (explicit) corruption. And it will be multiplayer. Did I mention that you can have four-way matches?

It’s definitely our most ambitious game to date, and PS Vita is the perfect platform for it. That’s why I’ve had to be patient — finding the right platform and team to bring your idea to life can take time, never mind finding yourself in a situation where the amazing team at PlayStation listen to your crazy idea and give you the opportunity to work on that right platform.

We’re working hard on the game as I type, and we’re aiming for a Q3 2014 release. We’ll be posting regular updates, and you can find us on Twitter and Facebook.


New vita game!! Sounds like fun. 

New, Free Killzone Shadow Fall Multiplayer Maps Revealed

+ Posted by Poria Torkan // Producer, Guerrilla Games

Today we’re giving you a look at the first pair of downloadable multiplayer maps for Killzone Shadow Fall, inspired by key locations from the single-player campaign. The maps will be released to the community free of charge, and will be fully compatible with Killzone Shadow Fall’s Custom Warzone feature.

First up is The Cruiser, a close-to-mid-range combat map set in the confines of a decommissioned ISA cruiser. Consisting of tight, claustrophobic corridors and interconnected compartments, the key to dominating this map is identifying and controlling its choke points.

Next is The Hangar, a wide-open map situated in the hangar bay of one of Helghan’s humongous mining spires. In addition to the main area, which offers long lines of sight suitable for sniping, the map contains alternative routes that will need to be secured for full control.

Apart from The Cruiser and The Hanger multiplayer maps, we’re also working on the first DLC expansion pack for Killzone Shadow Fall. We’ll have more information on what it entails and when it’s available in the near future. There’s a whole season of exciting multiplayer content coming to Killzone Shadow Fall, so be sure to pick up the Season Pass to get it all at the best value!


I need to get back to this game, but Resogun and Don't Starve keep me away. 

Hey guys, James here from Halfbrick. I hope you’re feeling fresh and re-energized for the year ahead! Today, we’re pleased to announce the U.S. launch of Age of Zombies for PS Vita. We’re super excited about this, and I think you’ll agree that BlitWorks has done an incredible job taking Age of Zombies to a whole new level of awesomeness on PS Vita.

It’s been almost four years since Age of Zombies was first released as a PS Mini, but despite a wealth of improvements and updates, there’s always been one thing missing: physical twin stick controls. That all changed with the launch of PS Vita, and we’ve finally found the perfect device to capture the sheer joys of blasting zombies on the go.

So, what’s the game all about? Glad you asked! Age of Zombies was the first game to star wise-cracking hero Barry Steakfries, who many of you will know as the main character from Monster Dash and Jetpack Joyride. It’s a crazy, hilarious, and over-the-top adventure. And it features time travel, romance, and a whole lot more.

The evil Professor Brains has sent hordes of undead to the farthest reaches of time, and it’s up to you to save the day. You’ll be up against ninjas, mummies, cavemen, and massive bosses with a huge variety of weapons and explosives. You’ll also go face-to-face with possibly the coolest opponent ever: the Zombie T-Rex!

This is without a doubt the definitive version of Age of Zombies. When BlitWorks wanted to help us bring the game to PS Vita, it was a total no-brainer. With a pedigree of bringing titles like Spelunky and Jet Set Radio to players around the world, we were able to work hand-in-hand to finally give our players what they’ve been asking for.

Everything from the original is here, along with completely remastered graphics, the bonus Wild West chapter, and a host of Survival Challenges to test your skills. We’ve also raised the difficulty slightly, added a nifty little health bar, and incorporated global leaderboards for some extra competition. There are Trophies, too! It all comes together beautifully, and Age of Zombies runs at a silky smooth 60 FPS on PS Vita.

We can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Age of Zombies. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the game. Here’s to a stellar 2014!


Sorry killzone, looks like you'll have to wait a little longer. 

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War Thunder dev hoping for January U.S. release


Gaijin Entertainment has said that the company is hoping to release its World War II-based dogfighter, War Thunder, in North America at some point this month.

The free-to-play title was released in Europe alongside the PlayStation 4 on November 29, but missed the U.S. release for undisclosed reasons. 

However, writing on Twitter (via Gamingbolt), Gaijin, who worked on the critically-acclaimed IL-2 Sturmovik series, implied the game's release is now down to Sony.

“Sadly the release date on PS4 is not depending on us. We still hoping for January, though,” said Gaijin, in response to a fan regarding the game’s U.S. launch.

Read our review of War Thunder here.

Damn, i want to play this game. And damn verizon for their fucking data caps. 


Tantalising New Destiny Screenshots Drop from the Sky

Posted Wed 15th Jan 2014 12:00 by Robert Ramsey



Just when we felt that Destiny's allure was slowly starting to fade due to a lack of new information, Bungie has swooped in to save the day with some wonderful new screenshots. It's safe to say that we're absolutely loving the character designs – and the firearms don't look too bad either. Still, we're positively gasping for a new gameplay trailer in the near future, so let's hope that the sci-fi shooter's imminent Spring beta brings plenty of media along with it.

Slide on your best-looking helmet, point your scope at the screenshots embedded below, and tell us if you still feel, er, destined to be a part of Destiny when it releases in September this year.



Have you seen Destiny?



Age of Zombies looks...okay? I guess xD

Well be right back after a word from our sponsors. 

Wright said:

Age of Zombies looks...okay? I guess xD

Age of Zombies is bad ass!