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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


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Happy 549 70.38%
Sad 17 2.18%
Scared 4 0.51%
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Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%
pezus said:
Spleeeee B2S sales 1m+. 2m here we come.

What's that? o.O

Beyond: Two Souls????


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pezus said:
Hmm it only shows a white box. Post the code but add one space to it so that it keeps being a code!
<o bject width="263" height="165"> <param name="movie" value=""/> <param name="flashvars" value="eid=88092"/> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" width="263" height="165" flashvars="eid=88092" wmode="transparent"/> </embed> </object>



Added space in first object 




OK edited the post and added space in first "object"  

Hopefully that works.

Best story: GTA5
Best music: Hotline Miami
Best ending: ////
Most addictive gameplay: Diablo 3
Most difficult gameplay: ////
Best new IP: Dragon's Crown
Best sequel: GTA5

pezus the code is not working in the OP. I add a space then it just goes all weird when i post it. *edit* never mind its good.

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Anyone playing don't starve right now? If so what's your tip for survival?

I just got to day 8 again when i noticed that i was getting hungry and on the verge of death from it. So i attacked the first thing i saw for food. It was a tall bird. Big mistake. looks like i'm starting over again. Thats not the first time something like that has killed me, one time i walked up to an abandoned house, i thought it would be a good source of wood. So i stated harming it down, when these weird green pig like things jumped out and instantly killed me. Then another when i was walking in the woods and was attacked by a walking evergreen. The game so frustrating some times, but at the same time very good, as i've been playing all day.

Mmmfishtacos said:
Anyone playing don't starve right now? If so what's your tip for survival?

I just got to day 8 again when i noticed that i was getting hungry and on the verge of death from it. So i attacked the first thing i saw for food. It was a tall bird. Big mistake. looks like i'm starting over again. Thats not the first time something like that has killed me, one time i walked up to an abandoned house, i thought it would be a good source of wood. So i stated harming it down, when these weird green pig like things jumped out and instantly killed me. Then another when i was walking in the woods and was attacked by a walking evergreen. The game so frustrating some times, but at the same time very good, as i've been playing all day.

Played once and died on day 2.  Will be a nice game to play when all my other ps4 games are finished and for when I have time when I have no homework to do. 

Mmmfishtacos said:
Anyone playing don't starve right now? If so what's your tip for survival?

I just got to day 8 again when i noticed that i was getting hungry and on the verge of death from it. So i attacked the first thing i saw for food. It was a tall bird. Big mistake. looks like i'm starting over again. Thats not the first time something like that has killed me, one time i walked up to an abandoned house, i thought it would be a good source of wood. So i stated harming it down, when these weird green pig like things jumped out and instantly killed me. Then another when i was walking in the woods and was attacked by a walking evergreen. The game so frustrating some times, but at the same time very good, as i've been playing all day.

I got it yesterday, and my best was like 20 something,  Ill check shortly when i go play.  I've got LOADS of tips lol  so ill try summarizing them shortly.    Its best not to attack anything.  atleast until you are ready.   If you attack anything without a proper weapon and plank-armor,  your pretty much dead.

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

Best Story Best Soundtrack Best Ending Most Addictive Gameplay Best Multiplayer Most Difficult Gameplay Best New IP Best Sequel
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Bioshock Infinite Bioshock Infinite Diablo III Beyond: Two Souls
Beyond: Two Souls God of War Ascension Ni No Kuni God of War Ascension Dragon's Crown
Bioshock: Infinite Hotline Miami Tearaway Hotline Miami Ni no Kuni
Grand Theft Auto V Rayman Legends The Last of Us Killzone: Shadow Fall Puppeteer
Metro: Last Light The Last of Us     Knack Tearaway
Ni no Kuni       The Last of Us The Last of Us
The Last of Us            

Voted for catagories I had played at least 2 games.



And it seems there is no shadow for the stop sign.  lulz.   And a few other things look odd, but overall it looks amazing.