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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


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JoeFlex said:

DMC1 baby ...That's where you fight a certain dark knight for the first time.

Yup, it's not the fight against neo angelo though.

Around the Network
First pezus 25 pts.
Second  ruimartiniman 10 pts.
Third Ethomaz 10 pts.
Fourth JoeFlex 8 pts.
Fifth deadly2choke 5 pts.
Sixth M.U.G.E.N 5 pts.
Seventh nnodley 5 pts.
Eighth AbbathTheGrim 5 pts.
Ninth adriane23 5 pts. 
Tenth rutea7 5 pts. 
Eleventh huii  3 pts. 


gotta go eat now will be back later

huiii said:
JoeFlex said:

DMC1 baby ...That's where you fight a certain dark knight for the first time.

Yup, it's not the fight against neo angelo though.

Eh? But isn't that the V man in the picture? In mission 4?

JoeFlex said:
huiii said:
JoeFlex said:

DMC1 baby ...That's where you fight a certain dark knight for the first time.

Yup, it's not the fight against neo angelo though.

Eh? But isn't that the V man in the picture? In mission 4?

You might be right... It is the pleace where you fight him, i just thought the enemy didn't look like him so...

It's been a while since i played the game... still have to finish the rest of the HD collection though (although i'm thinking of skippint 2 since people say it's not all that good).

Yea it's him. He's just in the block stance while Dante is attacking. Plus there's the boss bar above to verify since the regular enemies don't have health bars.


Didn't buy the collection since the old games work on my PS3. DMC1 is my favorite though.

Around the Network

Oh you're right... I somehow remember him beeing bigger and the boss health bar beeing on the bottom but maby i'm confusing the later with dmc 4.

Ok so here is another one.

Hint 1 : Points 5

huiii said:

Ok so here is another one.

Hint 1 : Points 5

Noone knows? Or is noone here?

It shouldn't be to hard but if nobody guesses it before i have to go to uni (which is in about an hour) i'll put up the second hint.

I'll give it a shot...

Dragon age?


^yup 5points for you

First pezus 25 pts.
Second  ruimartiniman 10 pts.
Third Ethomaz 10 pts.
Fourth rutea7 10 pts.
Fifth JoeFlex 8 pts.
Sixth M.U.G.E.N 5 pts.
Seventh nnodley 5 pts.
Eighth AbbathTheGrim 5 pts.
Ninth adriane23 5 pts. 
Tenth deadly2choke 5 pts. 
Eleventh huii  3 pts. 

I really hope we get some news about DA 3 soon. It might make me buy the ps4 if it's a launchtitle. I need my RPG fix. Maby E3 will tell us more.