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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Team NintenDomination - Tbone51 Major N


Tbone51 now running NintenDomination!!! XD

Yay 9 50.00%
Horay 1 5.56%
Fiddle Dee 3 16.67%
woot Woot 2 11.11%
Awwh I love you <3 3 16.67%
RolStoppable said:
Thanks for the votes, but I don't want to be king. I'll hand the crown to NintendoPie which should be okay since he was the second choice, if I remember the poll results correctly.

All hail the young tyrant!

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:
Thanks for the votes, but I don't want to be king. I'll hand the crown to NintendoPie which should be okay since he was the second choice, if I remember the poll results correctly.

All hail the young tyrant!

Haha ok, nintendopie it is lol


NintendoPie said:
RolStoppable said:
Thanks for the votes, but I don't want to be king. I'll hand the crown to NintendoPie which should be okay since he was the second choice, if I remember the poll results correctly.

All hail the young tyrant!

Good choice. I won't let you down, Mother!

So you're accepting King or Captain N right(your choice on Captain N or King)?  Or do you want to pass it down to Tbone51?


So NintendoPie is our leader....isn't he too young to have such an important task? I mean this a big thing. 

Sorry Pie but you have to proof yourself before I can bow before you.

Nintendo and PC gamer

osed125 said:

So NintendoPie is our leader....isn't he too young to have such an important task? I mean this a big thing. 

Sorry Pie but you have to proof yourself before I can bow before you.

Around the Network
JayWood2010 said:

So you're accepting King or Captain N right(your choice on Captain N or King)?  Or do you want to pass it down to Tbone51?

Captain N is good, NoName came up with it.

Tbone is our minion.

NintendoPie said:
JayWood2010 said:

So you're accepting King or Captain N right(your choice on Captain N or King)?  Or do you want to pass it down to Tbone51?

Captain N is good, NoName came up with it.

Tbone is our minion.

Since your the captain, don't you get to pick the name regardless of votes? 

NintendoPie said:
JayWood2010 said:

So you're accepting King or Captain N right(your choice on Captain N or King)?  Or do you want to pass it down to Tbone51?

Captain N is good, NoName came up with it.

Tbone is our minion.

Well you guys are almost finished building your all's empire then haha You all are moving much faster than the rest of the groups lol  Now you all just need to decide on a sig logo.  Ill post some ideas in a bit if nobody else does.  There is two Ninendomination ones that has been posted here earlier though.


sethnintendo said:
osed125 said:

So NintendoPie is our leader....isn't he too young to have such an important task? I mean this a big thing. 

Sorry Pie but you have to proof yourself before I can bow before you.

Now he should be our king!

Nintendo and PC gamer

osed125 said:
sethnintendo said:
osed125 said:

So NintendoPie is our leader....isn't he too young to have such an important task? I mean this a big thing. 

Sorry Pie but you have to proof yourself before I can bow before you.

Now he should be our king!

I think he might be a sex offender....