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Forums - General Discussion - Which movie SCARES you the most?

i agree with okey dokey, i very rare get scared of horror movies. im a bit to old to get scared or frighten over movies like jeepers creepers or saw.

all horror movies are predictable.

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Movies don't scare me anymore, that stopped when I was 13 or 14. The scariest thing about blair witch was paying £20 of my hard earned for me and the missus to see it. If I had to choose though, the film that comes closest is 'A tale of two sisters', followed closely by 'Commitment'.

i usually never watch scary movies because the one i did was horrible.

When I was 5/6 years old, I watched "It" with my parents. I had nightmares for weeks. I still hate clowns.

The blair witch project is fake its not real. It is supposed to be based of the bell witch story. I would go with IT because I was a little kid when i watched it but now it doesn't seem too scary.

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you guys want to be scared?

watch this alone at night..

then get the movie if you like..

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



The Exorcist scared the crap out of me. It wasn't the demon itself, it was how this sweet, intelligent little girl transformed into a disgusting, abusive monster. The movie works to establish an empathic connection with the girl and her family, then tears everything down in front of your eyes while you watch everybody's pain and suffering.

Way scarier than any boring gorefest or "Surprise! There's a monster there!" movie.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

weezy said:
you guys want to be scared?

watch this alone at night..

then get the movie if you like..

^ im telling you guys I almost shit my pants when I saw this.


BTW devil movies,like exorcist, trip me out too dude

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



A couple of years ago, I went and rented The Shining. That movie scared the piss out of me, just from it being so messed up. This was several years ago, I really don't get scared at movies now. The trip to Room 237 was nasty as hell. I have not seen the Blair Witch Project though. That will be the next one I rent. Maybe that will be the first movie that's scared me in a while.

Zombie movies always freak the piss out of me.

All other horror movies I never have a problem with because I can never really imagine those happening without laughing. Take Cloverfield for example, they did everything they could to make it seem real but something like that doesn't bother me. Even imagining being in a situation like in The Hills Have Eyes doesn't bother me because I just picture that really happening.

For some reason with zombie movies that is just totally different. I can watch something like 28 Days Later and think holy shit what if that really I hear something outside my window? I don't know why I can really imagine a zombie movie happening, but they always freak me out and that's why I love them.