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Forums - Sony Discussion - Wow the sensitivity is insane over a console.

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they had the same for WiiU and they will have the same for the next xbox.

N4G does not want us to game it would seem.



Akvod said:

Nice! If only we could condense that into a gif and post it EVERYWHERE!

pokoko said:
Don't worry about it. The Wii U had its turn, now the PS4, and next is the Microsoft entry.

I've already got the frame of an article constructed about how the 720 is destroying gaming because they're focusing on _______ instead of ______. All I need are the details. They aren't important in and of themselves, they're just needed for continuity reasons.

I can't wait.

I read 'storm' there for some reason. Storm is a good word too... like Wii U has it's storm, and then so do the others... it'll eventually pass like bad weather and most will forget. I seriously think most of the time it's just people bored and wanting to make entertainment for themselves. Some people wear their hearts on their sleeps like the bleeding-heart gamers that they are and while that's definitely a good provocative for conversation, it's also makes it really easy for people to see and poke it. I mean, if we all got along and were always 100% reasonable, maybe the incentive would be gone?... no, they must share all their PASSION with everyone around them. huzzah.

Some poeple need to get a life. Well i dont like the Wii U for several reasons but i dindt feel the need of making threads like 5 reasons you shouldnt buy a Wii U or entering every Wii U thread bashing around how bad it is.

Seriously do those people have too much time? Get those people some work to do so that they have other problems than a new anounced console.

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This article is full of fail for one reason: "I heard from a guy with a cousin who used to work at EB Games that the Playstation 9 will be a spaceship."

This guy doesn't even know that the PS9 has already been announced years ago!

on the positive side at least we know console's aren't gonna die out like some think.

zero129 said:
pokoko said:
Don't worry about it. The Wii U had its turn, now the PS4, and next is the Microsoft entry.

I've already got the frame of an article constructed about how the 720 is destroying gaming because they're focusing on _______ instead of ______. All I need are the details. They aren't important in and of themselves, they're just needed for continuity reasons.

I can't wait.

So you have something writing out bad mouting something you have never seen or used and are just waiting for the x8 to be shown so you can bad mouth it?.. Good job your everything the OP is talking about

Hmm.  I really thought the satire was thick enough to be obvious here.  Where did I go wrong?

from the nintendo fans yes, yes it is indeed

You do realize your average uninformed person can easily be brainwashed right? If he sees dozens of articles saying how you shouldn't buy a PS4 or why it sucks..guess what? That paints the PS4 in a bad light.