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Forums - Gaming Discussion - hey im about to get a xbox 360 and ps3!

I can't believe no one mentioned this yet...
It's kind of an older game, but still better than many out right now
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Extremely addicting game and it is time consuming Lol
The 360 version has downloadable content while the PS3 is less loading and better graphics I think. Still an awesome experience on both systems tho!


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Oh and BTW, congrats.
You have the best of both worlds =)
I plan on getting a PS3 soon enough.
Right now my 360 and DS will have to do the job!


dude, im excited about my games that i purchased. i spent $500 on a 80GB PS3 and then turned around and bought resistance fall of man and uncharted.

that is not a bad taste or poor choice I spent around $600. i have a budget, i do not spend-crazy like most hardcore gamers out there.

resistance is cool, im in single player playing on normal and im on the stage where im about to fight this large machine in a city.

its hard as hell, but love the game so far.

i will play uncharted tonight and halo 3 tonight online.

but i guarantee and promise that my x360, ps3 and when i get a wii. i will have lots of games, just for the simple fact the games that are available for all consoles are worth the purchase and playing.

Now PlayingResistance: Fall of Man (PS3)Halo 3 (X360) Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (NDS)

Man, don't listen to that guy. They are all great games and are totally worth it!


thanks dude, i plan on getting oblivion some time down the road. i believe all games are equal there is no such thing as must have, if your a rpg fan you should play the rpgs that are available.

i plan on buying every single rpg game that is avaliable from x360 to ps3 and to the wii.

lair for the ps3 does have some bad controls, but i got use to them as my friend let me use the game. nice graphics and gameplay is nice.

next on deck is uncharted and halo 3 tonight.

Now PlayingResistance: Fall of Man (PS3)Halo 3 (X360) Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (NDS)
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Congratulations on getting two very nice consoles.

I'd suggest you get Oblivion, Mass Effect, Bioshock and Ratchet and Clank.

uncharted is awsome... keep on playing cause true problem in the storyline gonna hit u like a brick wall in the end.

Xbox360 and Ps3 owner

I spit in your mouth at nite



Get Warhawk for the PS3, and one of you needs to buy Rock Band seeing as how rich you two bastards are. 

Kingdom Hearts 3 Bet: If Kingdom Hearts 3 becomes a multiplaform title/is not Wii exclusive then I will be banished from this land for 1 week and sing my praises to those who have proved themselves to be more intelligent than I.">
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Riot Of The Blood said:
Poor choice in games. There were much better games you could have opted for -- Ratchet & Clank, Devil May Cry and Mass Effect to name a few. Instead, you go for a bunch of shooters that play the same. When buying a new console, you want to start of with a little variety. That way you will be able to enjoy your new console to the fullest extent. Hopefully you will diversify your library, because won't see what your new consoles can do with your current collection.

 A bit judgmental aren't we?

Ignore this guy and enjoy your purchase. Might I suggest Uncharted? It was a wild ride, great pacing, story, gameplay, graphics, characters, etc. A must buy, in my opinion. 

i have this game (uncharted) and im waiting till tomorrow because halo 3 is awesome. im getting a little bit beat in basic training but i just got an achievement so i can move on into social slayer and team slayer!

i love this game, im going to play with my bro through campaign mode on legendary!

Now PlayingResistance: Fall of Man (PS3)Halo 3 (X360) Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (NDS)