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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is is so important games run at 60fps?

Borkachev said:
Whats with everyone talking about eyes and FPS? You don't see in frames! The human eye works in fluid, constant vision.

Well, when light strikes a rod or cone in your eye, it causes a chemical change that results in electrical impulses being sent to the brain. That rod/cone isn't responsive to light again until the chemical has been restored (returned to the "unexposed film" state). As I understand it, the process takes about 1/3 of a second to complete, but because the eye is constantly making small, involuntary movements, the light is continually striking different cells. So essentially, the cells of your eyes do see in discrete "frames," not continuous analog vision.

If I'm not mistaken the process takes around 6ms to complete and reset itself. While the eye runs as analog, it is converted to a digital signal which the brain "frames" all the data to produce a 3D image. It seem that man isn't the first to convert an analog signal to digital.

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I here more people talk about a game's photo-realistic graphics when it runs flawlessly at 60FPS. It just appears more smooth, and the animations are twice as detailed as 30FPS... I don't think it's absolutely imperative for a game to run that fast myself, however. If a game does not call for such a fast frame rate, it doesn't need it.