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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is is so important games run at 60fps?

call it a "noobish" question but the highest frame rate the human brain can register is 12 fps, so why do sum people get annoyed when a game is running at "only" 30fps? or are they super human?

Consoles I own: Dreamcast, PSP

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Because you're wrong. The highest frame rate the human brain can register is much greater than 12 fps.

12fps? More like 60-75.

If the Human eye can only register 12 FPS why are all movies shot at 24 FPS?

You've got some bad data friend. The Human eye can register more then 12 FPS.

In the future we are gonna have to get eye surgery to see 120 FPS
thats when the true next gen begins

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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Entroper said:
Because you're wrong. The highest frame rate the human brain can register is much greater than 12 fps.

maybe i worded it wrong, but things look smooth at 12fps so why do we need anything higher?

Consoles I own: Dreamcast, PSP

Things don't look smooth at 12fps. Even in movies filmed at 24fps, objects in fast paced scenes seem to skip across the screen.

12fps would be the equivalent of some serious lag in any online game.

@ xomaniac

because things look more smooth when its higher






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xomaniac said:
Entroper said:
Because you're wrong. The highest frame rate the human brain can register is much greater than 12 fps.


maybe i worded it wrong, but things look smooth at 12fps so why do we need anything higher?


Because you control the characters you don't just watch them. (Also it's not smooth.)

Movement would look jerky in user controlled gameplay because there would be a lag between you press to move and your character moves.

Hence 60 being better then 30. Their is half the lag between pressing the button and the move happening... making the gameplay more crisp. It's the same reason most PC gamers try to get their framerates as high as possible.

Yep, I don't know what games you've been playing but things are not smooth at 12 FPS. When a game drops down to 25 FPS and below, I can start noticing choppy animations. Where in the hell did you get this idea about 12 FPS being smooth?