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Well I guess this is straiten out the poster is or appears to be Leo-j as the great crazzyman would do :)))))))

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There goes weezy with his debonair wit.

krik said:

Lol, we had no relationship before. It was more like I went from "stupid ps3 fanboy" to "friend krik". That is awesome.

<3 weezy

 Sleep well friend weezy. Hope you dream with a PS3 morphing into Nakiro (Heavenly sword)

im starting to like Krik, he walks the fine line of being extremely creepy and being funny at the same time.
my hats off to you bud.

and youngjeezy remember when we added each other on our friendslist on psn

prove to me that you are indeed leo-j, state my psn id
then post the contents of the messages i just sent to you. ^^


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Krik is a cool dude. shame on me for ever doubting it.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Do you really think leo-j could honestly be bothered to use punctuation and capitalization?


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youngjeezy said:
Do you really think leo-j could honestly be bothered to use punctuation and capitalization?


*GASP!!!* Evil fiend! you tried to frame an innocent 14 year old?!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

oh crap he must be wondering why i sent him 4 crappy messages.

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i didnt think that was LeoJ because me and leo are pretty tight.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



I am going now, I expect a nice hot cup of ban by tomorrow.

yeah it was obvious he wasnt leo-j but the drama between him and krik was just too priceless, that i didnt want to make him confess til it was over 

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