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Forums - General Discussion - weezy vs krik...

So, I got a private message from weezy saying he received 11 privates messages commenting out on my stupidity on this thread:

 Burnout Paradise... PS3 > 360

Is weezy lying or there are really 11 people here that think I am/was stupid?

Also if he is telling the truth what comment(s) on the thread are the cause for my "stupidity" ? I would love to know.

PS: Is pretty lame to call talk sh*t about someone else (me) to the others on my back (weezy). If you have something to comment be a man/women and do it on the thread. This is a open forum where we share opinions. I gave mine and weezy gave his.


PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


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Hats off to you, sir.

Creating a thread only to call out another poster really improves the level of discourse here. Frankly, I would expect someone who is 37 years old to be less childish.


A very misleading post :-/    *leaves quietly*


I'm not calling out weezy. Actually I like weezy and he was man enough to pm me while others choose to pm him to talk about me.

Can I assume you were one of the anonymous cowards?

Anyway what does my age have to do with it? My opinions are respected by everyone that knows me. I expect people on this forum to also respect my opinion or at least contest it but not talk on my back. That is not polite.

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


Kirk, Damkira has nothing to do with this.

This thread is ridiculous.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Around the Network

No, I did not email anyone about one of your messages. I don't even remember what thread you were referring to and don't even usually read the ps3 threads.


You know weezy is like a 12-15 year old kid with a severe case of ADHD right?

I mean, just take a long look at the picture in the sig. Now, do you REALLY think he's telling the truth?

All he does is spam LOL and ROFL while restating the same things (I guess he thinks if he says it enough it'll come true), and waiting for other people to do all his work for him. Notice how he always does that "^listen to this guy" or "^applause" because hes clearly not intelligent enough to form a coherent sentence about his own opinions.

He fails at arguing with people, even when someone gives him perfect logic on a silver platter he just says "no this is the way i want it so this is the way it is" over and over again. Much like he did in that thread.

Just ignore him, weezy am fail.


PS3 fanboyism at its finest xD


ps. you love my sig :)

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



damkira said:

No, I did not email anyone about one of your messages. I don't even remember what thread you were referring to and don't even usually read the ps3 threads.


Sorry for accusing you. My bad.

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


youngjeezy said:
You know weezy is like a 12-15 year old kid with a severe case of ADHD right?

I mean, just take a long look at the picture in the sig. Now, do you REALLY think he's telling the truth?

All he does is spam LOL and ROFL while restating the same things (I guess he thinks if he says it enough it'll come true), and waiting for other people to do all his work for him. Notice how he always does that "^listen to this guy" or "^applause" because hes clearly not intelligent enough to form a coherent sentence about his own opinions.

He fails at arguing with people, even when someone gives him perfect logic on a silver platter he just says "no this is the way i want it so this is the way it is" over and over again. Much like he did in that thread.

Just ignore him, weezy am fail.

What a wasted name (using it for trolling). My guess is that you are not new here and that you might be the one who started this thread in the first place.