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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why does MGS4 seem so hyped up?

I kinda forget how important graphics are to people, and I do know quite a 360 owners who want this game bad! I don't think it will do exactly what wii sports did for wii, but I see where your coming from.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
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Yeah, I pretty much anyone i know that owns a PS3 has one just for MGS. I have no doubt it will sell well. Just lately ive been feeling any big game thats extremely hyped, ive become somewhat skeptical of,

Like this past 6 months theres been quite a few next installments for franchises that were pretty well hyped, but the only one i felt actually came closest to living up to the hype was CoD 4. Thats the only game i felt recently that was hyped to be exactly what it turned out to be.

How did the last games not sell well? 5 Million and 3 million isn't good?

This game is the last of a great story, we have seen the new things you can do in this game and it looks amazing.

I don't see why this game shouldn't be hyped.

"Apart from four of the MGS franchises games, they havent sold that well."

Other then four of them, they didn't sell that well. I didn't mean the most recent ones.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
makingmusic476 said:
MGS sold 5.59 million.

MGS2 sold 5.56 mil., and MGS: Substance sold an extra 150k in Japan. The EU and NA numbers for Substance have not been posted yet.

MGS3 sold 3.96 mil., and MGS3 Subsistence sold another 470k across NA and Japan, while the European numbers have yet to be posted.

I'm noticing a trend here.

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Apart from 4 of them? There has only been 4 main ones.

Do you have any idea what you are talking about here?

@Words Of Wisdom
Yeah. Although the systems that the games were on, kept getting more popular, the sales of this franchise keep going down each game
(For those who didn't catch on)




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

Yeah, I do. The spinoffs sell no where near as good, and the longer the main series seem to go, the worse the sales have been getting.
(This game may surprise me and sell over 4 million)




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits


You do know that Subsistence is the same game with extra content.

I won't get into PSP, completly different system, although still comparable.

The sales may be lower, but 4 million is still a great number.

Also MGS3 was a prequel, so it may have discouraged many people.

That would make sense, I don't really follow the series as a whole, but lately I've taken more interest in it, and looked up some things.

Yes four million is a great #, and if it MGS:4 out sells MGS:3 then good for them, I just cant see it happening, at least not untill the accumulated sales from the next few years will be added together.

But Once again I feel the need to say, I created this thread to discuss why people think that this will be the defining moment for the PS3, but the same thing has been said for so many things I just don't understand why peole think that this game will make the PS3 sell more then the other consoles for a long period of time.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits