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I was so sure that I was getting an SNES for Christmas, that I sold my Gameboy and 13 games for $150 and bought games for it. I didn't get the SNES that year. By the time my parents got me one (twelve months later!) I was so hyped up on Nintendo juice, that I could argue today about the SNES being best system ever.

BTW, if Nintendo continued to push the SNES, and used it's top secret SFX IV chip, it could've pumped out Mass Effect-like visuals! It's true potential was never reached. (Sorry, that's the "Nintendo juice" talking.)

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double post.

RolStoppable said:
DSLover, your signature is the perfect proof that there are 3 different kinds of people living on this planet:

1. People who can count.
2. People who can't count.

That joke is old. Really old. Reminds me of another oldie...

There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who know binary and those who don't.

Super Smash Bros. Melee!!!!!

Other than that, I used to be totally obsessed with Tales of Symphonia. The love has kinda diminished now though. And as you must have noticed, I like me some Resident Evil.

I drink your milkshake.

I really love my SNES. It was my first console ever, almost 10 years ago. I rediscovered how great it was about two years ago, shortly after I realized how much I like RPGs. I still play it every once and awhile. I even keep it plugged in at all times. I love Ocarina of Time the most of any game. It was such a huge world, it gave you an unparalleled sense of accomplishment when you beat it. It was the first 3D game that I beat. Just trying that game for half an hour at my friend's house convinced me to buy a Nintendo 64.