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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Burnout Paradise... PS3 > 360

^apples and oranges.

I think 360 graphics are better than ps3 right now.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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weezy said:
^apples and oranges.

I think 360 graphics are better than ps3 right now.

 Oh I'm sure you do, but if you had to break down to the "technicalities" of the issue, the PS3 had higher textures, better lighting, and higher color output. Some of it really isn't noticable, but like I said if you had to break it out into tech specs, blu-ray gives the developer rights to needless detail lol. Personal preference is definitely there, because some people actually prefer the Wii's graphics to either PS3 or 360, but from a tech point of view the PS3 is superior.

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i agree with anyone who said Achievments > Minor diferences

plus i like the 360 controller a lot more

Proud owner of all next gen consoles and portables.

I still don't own a PS3 game

We know ps3 is superior but howcome most 360 games look better than ps3?

In a year ps3 games will be better looking like Night and day.

Right now its even and I give the edge to 360.

ps GTA4 was delayed becuase framerate and choppyness of ps3 version.

Im sticking to my guns..ps3 games will start looking better in 09.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Not sure if anyone has touched up on it since I didn't want to read but I would prefer the 360 version just because of xbox live. Currently most of my friends have a 360 so if I want to play online I have no choice really. Funny thing is all my friends that have a ps3 also have a 360 and they end up getting the 360 version for the same reason. We just have alot more friends on xbox live. Is a matter of convenience not technical jargon.

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weezy said:
We know ps3 is superior but howcome most 360 games look better than ps3?

In a year ps3 games will be better looking like Night and day.

Right now its even and I give the edge to 360.

ps GTA4 was delayed becuase framerate and choppyness of ps3 version.

Im sticking to my guns..ps3 games will start looking better in 09.

360 games don't look better though :P Almost every review site in the world says that Uncharted is probably the best looking console game on the market atm. And anyone who's played the GT5 prologe demo can already point out night and day lol. Dont compare multi-plats! Multi-plats are a bad example because you HAVE to play by both systems weaknesses :P Take the two BEST graphical games on the 360 (exclusive) and compare them with the BEST on PS3 and I believe the answer is pretty obvious. Of course 360 games have had more than just graphics! But keeping on the subject of looks I think the 360 is already at an obvious disadvantage.

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gebx said:
Sorry if my fan goggles are blinding me but let's compare

PS3 leadplatform game = Good port to 360, nearly identical performance

360 leadplatform game = poor port to PS3 and launch delays...

Now I'm confused.. are developers using the PS3 as lead console because its better? or because they know the 360 can handle anything on the PS3?

Seriously why choose the stronger console as lead when a) the 360 technically shouldn't be able to handle any games that uses TH3 c3LL, and b) the console is in last place?

While I do think the PS3 is a much stronger platform for gaming, I don’t think this game is proof in itself.


Proof would be when a traditional Multi Plat provider chooses to make a game for the PS3 only, or uses a different engine or any number of things because they simply can’t provide the same gaming experience on the 360. Then you can make the argument, but I digress.


Forget the console wars for a moment, and to answer your question (as a software developer)…

If you want to maximize a computers utilization when making multi plat software, you start by designing for the strongest, and then porting to the lower platforms. It’s a lot easier to take things out, and have it look right, then to just “stuff things in there” because you have the power to do so.


A few examples in gaming.


You can always down sample a texture, You cannot add what is not there if the texture is already lower quality then you can handle

You can place all the trees in a forest exactly where you want them, and then remove x number of trees to make the slower platform perform to your liking. So for example, if you start out with 400 trees, and remove 100, the forest will still look right, just less busy. If you start with 300, and then stuck 100 more in because you have the power to do so, it will look unnatural.


If you define some pathing for an RTS, it’s easy to reduce the sophistication of your algorithm to remove CPU utilization, it’s a lot harder to tack on some logic after the fact that makes the pathing better.


I could come up with many more examples, but you get the idea.


@chrono to sum it up...

more games + best online experience + better graphics(right now) + better controller = 3-6-0

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Chrizum said:
DMeisterJ said:
So this goes to show that the PS3 is the superior platform, as Sony has previously stated. It's just that developers have to tap into the potential. I believe when we see MGS4 or Uncharted 2, or Killzone 2 this year, there will be no games that can compare in terms of graphics, and overall polish.

I lol'd.

I roffled.

Why do people keep trying to provesuch trivial things on this board. Really. This thread was a disaster waiting to happen. Now all it needs is Jandre.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

weezy said:
@chrono to sum it up...

more games + best online experience + better graphics(right now) + better controller = 3-6-0

 More games: True

Best online experience: False (peer to peer 16 man matches does not equal 40 man dedicated servers), and 60 man on the horizon. Then games like Warhawks with HUGE maps, 32 players, and no lag? COD4 360 = 16 players, 24 players on PS3 version. But you guys have cross game chat, but either way this argument is moot.

Better Graphics: Opinionated, but by tech specs False.

Better Controller: Opinionated. :)

All of that totaled up together = whichever console the person prefers >_> 

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