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Forums - General Discussion - I just sent this to Fox News.

Nice letter. Sadly I think it will largely be ignored. The majority of people who watch the "fair and balanced" crap that Fox spews don't know about games and just took what they said as simple truth, as they do with the rest of their highly biased propaganda.

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... some of the people, all of the time...

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Every news source is full of shit when it comes to VG and a lot of other tech. But fox news is full of shit on many other things as well.

It's the most toxic substance on the planet and you could be eating it right now..............Find out later on Fox news at 10.

When I lived in the states I only (if ever) watched fox news to give myself a chuckle.

Good for you, I hope Bill O'Reilly reads it even though he wasn't part of that story he does a bunch BS like that.
I have always disliked Fox News, I prefer CNN or MSNBC.

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Foxnews is horrible, used to watch it years ago when i was in high school, but eventually i learned to get news from multiple sources, and started to notice how much of a load of shit it was. I still read the "FEAR networks" webpage and watch them, just to get the different perspectives.

It was ridiculous as the other day when i went onto their website, the top headline was Mary Kate Olsen being grilled about Heath Ledgers death, another celebrity related story, something on obama being black and hillary a woman (haha, thats just a joke there) and a 16 yo child terrorist trying to hijack a plane.

Yeah, that was the 4 top articles and breaking news. Kind of sad when you think about it. I close to even stopping reading their webpage because its just loaded with celebrity crap, muddy politics and people that want to kill you.

Game_boy said:
Played_Out said:
^^ C'mon you should've realised that ages ago.

I'm from the UK, and even I knew everything they say is a crock of sh*t.

I'm in the same position here. I watch Fox when I want a laugh at their ignorance and bias (and weep atits impact on the American public).

 Ok.. I'll go and disprove several inaccuracies that non US citizens think about people here.  #1, Fox News (or as I call it, Faux Noise) is far from being "fair and balanced" as they love to throw around like coke cans filled with alcohol at Neverland Ranch.  They will blatently twist and skew information to fit their target demographic.  Conservative and Religious fanatics.   Yes, Fox News is the highest rated "All news channel" in the US.  Want to know why?  The only ones who watch it consistently are those who are either in full agreement with teh "values" that they push forth, or those who want a laugh from their blatent twisting of stories to fit their target audience. 

 It's sad to admit though, most Americans don't watch the national news channels compared to regular news over the air or even many cable channels that have little to no news on it.  We are consumed by shows that actually entertain us and not inform us of news stories happening across the nation and world.  We focus on the local news and national nightly news moreso that you can see on ABC, CBS or NBC.   Or you have people like me (far larger then the news networks get combined in a day) that only look online at sites like CNN, MSNBC, Fark, local news sites, etc to get the news stories of the day. 

 I feel like I'm far more informed then the average american when it comes to news stories as I look at sites across the world and without a US slant to it to gauge reaction to things happening in the US and in the world.  So Fox news has a smaller impact on peoples beliefs then you may think.  There are many like me who generally shut up about news matters, and only comment when it directly impacts us or is a topic that interests us.   But when you get some of the Fox News crowd involved, they are generally loud, obnoxious and will make a point to make themselves heard in what they believe and are told to believe by conservative news organizations like that. 

Don't pigeon hole all americans as being gullible idiots, because there are far more who are not then the idiots. Sure, we had enough idiots to elect a doofus in as president, but they preyed on the values and used negative campaigns to discredit the opponent just enough to sway the votes in their favor (as well as some help by pollsters and voting stations that didn't have votes counted or turned away those who would vote highly democratic).  

That said, Fox news is a steaming turd of a news station and should not be taken seriously by anyone.... Ever.

 They go and twist everything to fit their agenda, and they are all about censorship and taking rights away from people.   Yea, I want my video game violence, but I know that I won't do anything like that in the real world because most of us can differentiate between fake and real and the consequences that come from that. 


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

MrMafoo said:

Dear Fox News,
I have been a long time supporter of your stations,

Unfortunately, I think you lost all credibility right there, even in the eyes of the Fox News execs.