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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Choice comments from latest David Jaffe (God of War) interview

You'd be wrong then.

Burnout was made for the PS3 first, then ported to 360.

No way 360 would have those better.

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^ how come every cross platform game looks better on 360?

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



@Legend: and yet it's obvious that game developer X's opinion differs wildly from the public, who seem to overwhelmingly support the Wii. And his opinion differs from most reviewers who didn't even rate R&C a 90% game.

I wonder what Legend11 intentions in this thread are. He selectively quoted the parts of the interview that put Super Mario Galaxy down and praise the 360. Coincidence?

This is the guy who defined SMG as a failure because it's first-week sales didn't compete with Halo 3's.  And now that it's obviously going to fly past Halo 3 in sales, one has to wonder if 'failure' is the appropriate word. 


In the 1UP review, they state that the PS3 version "sports a slight visual edge (a few superior textures, no screen tearing)" and that the 360 version supports custom soundtracks. Both games play identically; no complaints about the frame rate in either version have been made, as far as I can tell.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

weezy said:
^ how come every cross platform game looks better on 360?

Every is a strong word. But it is because they make it for the 360 first, then try to port to PS3, which is harder then the other way around.

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^ i see.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



RolStoppable said:
GooseGaws said:

In the 1UP review, they state that the PS3 version "sports a slight visual edge (a few superior textures, no screen tearing)" and that the 360 version supports custom soundtracks. Both games play identically; no complaints about the frame rate in either version have been made, as far as I can tell.

Custom soundtracks are definitely a bigger advantage than a few minor graphical enhancements that are barely notable for most gamers. Which brings up the question why would David Jaffe say that the PS3 version is the definitive version of the game.

Obviously he is strongly biased in the PS3's favor if he makes a comment like this, thus rendering his opinions about competing products completely irrelevant.

Agreed, he's a second party dev to Sony.  Of course his opinions will be biased towards the Sony point of view.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

Wow, a Sony 2nd party developer putting down Mario. So NEW! So FRESH! So INTERESTING!

How on Earth do you get away with all of these hit and run troll threads? Time after time after time.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I agree, Ratchet & Clank is more fun then SMG. (not that SMG is bad, Ratchet is underrated)

@weezy - dont be hating on calling all cars, that game is great!! and why no love for twisted metal? oh and way to be COMPLETELY wrong about Burnout looking better on X360, you didnt actually make any bets like you said you wanted to did you?