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Forums - General Discussion - ZOMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I NOW HAVE 2000 POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I defend myself when attacked. Your well on your way to 3000. You should be there by nightfall. I'm going to tally up all your posts on this thread when it starts to die.Its going to be interesting how many you have compared to everyone else

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Well, it'll be nothing on the 8,000 or so that you have leo-j.

Your a fool. Look at my IP address

You don't have any proof that he's Leo-j, dude.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

You're a fool, you can't even spell "you're" right. You are definetly leo-j.

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Back on topic. let's all come and celebrate my 2000th post without leo-j's trolling.

Stop crying. Thats 21 "useful" comments in the past 10 minutes. 979 to go!

PS3WiiXbox360, or whoever you are, take the antagonistic attitude elsewhere.

He's the one attacking me

In the words of every harassed parent out there, I don't care who started it, I'm ending it.