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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will you still buy Haze?

I will, 4 player co-op sold me.

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I don't really care about the delays, I just keep asking people why the hype and nine times out of ten the answer is because it's on the PS3 or it looks awesome!!!. The rest of the time it's usually something like 4 player split screen or asymmetric combat or something else that really doesn't warrant the hype it has.

To me, it's still looks like an overly generic FPS in a sea of other generic FPS games.

Was never that high on my list but if the reviews convince me otherwise then yes.

I for one am glad about the delay in hopes that they will add a lot to the game, at this point even Fracture looks more interesting and that's not that high on my list either.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

it kinda pissed me off that it got delayed so many times, but it still looks like a great game so yeah I'm still gonna geat it

PSN: RM_091

Games currently owned:COD4, Assassins Creed, Uncharted, UT3,Ratchet&Clank

Games currently playing online COD4, UT3

Difference between Haze and KZ/R2 is the necter. I think that's whats going to sell them game. Each faction has their own abilities. And you defect and join the rebels midway through the game. If you use necter too much you OD and go beserk. If your wounded you can play dead and the soldiers cant see you because their suit hides the ugly world.

I think all their delays are from multiplayer I bet its hard synching all of these.

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@twesterm And ontop of those reasons its on the PS3 =P

I'm getting a PS3 for it. I'd say 50% of why I want a PS3 is Haze.

twesterm said:
I don't really care about the delays, I just keep asking people why the hype and nine times out of ten the answer is because it's on the PS3 or it looks awesome!!!. The rest of the time it's usually something like 4 player split screen or asymmetric combat or something else that really doesn't warrant the hype it has.

To me, it's still looks like an overly generic FPS in a sea of other generic FPS games.

 The main reasons I see peopl ehyping this game is because of the co-op and the fact that it's made by Free Radical.


OT:  I probably won't be getting this game.  I just don't get into FPS very often. 

PooperScooper said:
@twesterm And ontop of those reasons its on the PS3 =P

 I really don't give a crap what system it's on, I just want things that aren't a generic shooter.

And before I get too much crap for that comment, I know they've said all this hoopla about the game being assymetrical and whatever else.  They're trying to say on no, this game isn't in any way old or generic, we're doing new things!

Let me ask you this: have you ever seen anyone come out and say hi, we're going to make a generic shooter.  We'll do our best to hide our boring gameplay, old mechanics, and unispired level design by giving you pretty things to look at, but in no way are we going for anything above generic.

No, you've never heard that because everyone is going to give you reasons why their game is fresh and brings new and exciting things to the mix.  Look at *every* generic shooter that has ever been released and go back and read interviews and previews and look at what they talk about what new and exciting things they're bringing to the genre that really aren't that new or exciting or just aren't there. 

I'll get it if it comes with a free ps3.