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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: EoW Trailer Shows Off Still World, Swordfighter Form


Best Zelda news from the June Nintendo Direct?

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom 6 75.00%
Four Swords on NSO 0 0%
Hyrule Edition Switch Lite 2 25.00%

Check out some snippets from this article from The Verge:

"Honestly, I don't even mind that The Legend of Zelda for Wii U was an E3 no-show and won't come out until next year. Tucked away into Nintendo's otherwise underwhelming digital event was an unassuming new Zelda game for 3DS called Tri Force Heroes; I didn't think much of it during the broadcast, and you probably didn't either.

But after talking to the director and playing the game for a while with some Nintendo employees, I think it might just turn out to be the most exciting, original, and entertaining Zelda title in recent memory. It's certainly the most fun I've had at E3 so far.

It reminds me of nothing as much as Destiny's exhilarating raids, of all things, which are highly collaborative activities that require six players to be in constant voice contact — at least the first few times they play through. Tri Force Heroes has similar puzzles that involve coordinating player locations and abilities, though Shikata says he wasn't influenced by anything other than prior Zelda games."


Anyone warming up to Tri Force Heroes?

Around the Network

Not many liking the 4 swords sequels :S

BTW, many are talking about multiple teams, so this confirms that the homeconsole team has been working 4 years in this game and can't show anything. Something wrong is happening.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

I'm excited for tri-force heroes! It looks like a good game to me, and everything I've heard about it so far has been nothing but good.

And Nintendo is clearly listening to their fans with this one too! You can finally put link in a dress! There, rejoice everyone!

I'm not interested in Triforce Heroea at all, and I'm not planning on buying it. Maybe if it gets great reviews, but that's not the kind of co-op I want in a Zelda game

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

So, I dream about Zelda HD last night. It was the final battle agains Ganon.

Similar as the final battle in Ocarina of Time, with fire around the arena in a perfect circle. But this time, Zelda was helping me, in fact, she was distracting him with black power balls, while Ganon was doind a magic shield. Link has to use his bow and shoot a normal arrow to hit in his tail, like in Ocarina of Time.

However, this time Ganon looks from behind like in Ocarina of Time while at front is the same aspect as th e original games. He was agile, as he did some fast backflips to evade attacks. As I hit him, some kind of sages appears and add their power to Zelda, making she doing like 3 or 4 black magic balls.

In the end, I failed and my arrow ended in Zelda's magic balls that made dissapear and she needed to do again.

Weird but fun.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Around the Network
Pavolink said:
So, I dream about Zelda HD last night. It was the final battle agains Ganon.

Similar as the final battle in Ocarina of Time, with fire around the arena in a perfect circle. But this time, Zelda was helping me, in fact, she was distracting him with black power balls, while Ganon was doind a magic shield. Link has to use his bow and shoot a normal arrow to hit in his tail, like in Ocarina of Time.

However, this time Ganon looks from behind like in Ocarina of Time while at front is the same aspect as th e original games. He was agile, as he did some fast backflips to evade attacks. As I hit him, some kind of sages appears and add their power to Zelda, making she doing like 3 or 4 black magic balls.

In the end, I failed and my arrow ended in Zelda's magic balls that made dissapear and she needed to do again.

Weird but fun.

That's awesome :)

A Bunch of Tri Force Heroes Questions, Answered

Where did this whole thing come from?

“It starts with [Zelda producer Eiji] Aonuma,” Shikata said. “Once he did Four Swords, he wanted to revisit multiplayer at some point.”

Is there a story?

There sure is. “The story takes place in a kingdom that is obsessed with fashion,” Shikata said, “and within the kingdom there’s a happening, an event, and as a result of that the king sends out a notification asking for heroes to assemble.”

Can you play by yourself?

Yes! If you’re alone, the two non-player Links will turn into “dolls” that you can control by switching around on the touchscreen, which will presumably make the game feel way different.

Can you play with two people?

Nah. In fact, if one person leaves mid-game, you’ll be booted.

We know three people can play locally, but can you also play the whole game online?


Is there voice chat?


So how can people communicate if they’re playing online?

Skype is an option. Also, the game gives you eight touchscreen icons that can be used to send messages to other players.

Is there an overworld map?

No, but there will be a castle, a town, and a colisseum battle mode, Shikata says.

Why is the health bar shared across all three Links?

“Because it’s better,” Shikata said. (Also because you need all three players to beat each level, so if one person could die and leave the others alive, you’d all be screwed.)

What happens if one person has to leave?

You’ve gotta stop, save, and quit.

Can you save at any time?

Yeah, and the game will automatically save if someone drops out, Shikata says.

How long is the game?

“I think it’s a little difficult to answer,” Shikata said. “I could probably say if it’s one person just on their own sitting down we might be able to calculate it out, but when you have three people, the way they play [and] how they play makes a difference.

“Myself I’d like to say maybe an hour a day, an hour and a half to two hours a day, with three people playing together, there’s probably about a month’s worth of gameplay there.

“But there are a lot of extra elements and things you can do in this game. If you’re a completionist, you’re gonna be playing for a long time.”



Not being able to play with two people is a significant blow for me. I was hoping to play locally with my wife and a "doll" partner. Looks like it's impossible. Either three human players or one human player with two "dolls."

Pavolink said:
So, I dream about Zelda HD last night. It was the final battle agains Ganon.

Similar as the final battle in Ocarina of Time, with fire around the arena in a perfect circle. But this time, Zelda was helping me, in fact, she was distracting him with black power balls, while Ganon was doind a magic shield. Link has to use his bow and shoot a normal arrow to hit in his tail, like in Ocarina of Time.

However, this time Ganon looks from behind like in Ocarina of Time while at front is the same aspect as th e original games. He was agile, as he did some fast backflips to evade attacks. As I hit him, some kind of sages appears and add their power to Zelda, making she doing like 3 or 4 black magic balls.

In the end, I failed and my arrow ended in Zelda's magic balls that made dissapear and she needed to do again.

Weird but fun.

That actually sounds pretty cool :D Sounds like an epic battle where Link and Zelda needs further help from the sages. I'd fight that fight :D

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

I'm not all that impressed by Tri Force Heroes, and will probably skip it all together. I hope they use another villain than Ganon/dorf since I want him on the main Wii U release.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

"Q: Can you play with two people?
A: Nah. In fact, if one person leaves mid-game, you’ll be booted."

Lame. This means, exactly like Four Swords, that the multiplayer (and therefore much of the basis of the game) is pointless. It's single player all the way.

I won't even talk about the fact that "The story takes place in a kingdom obsessed with fassion", but I really don't see what Aonuma is thinking with this game and why he feels the need for this to exist. Then, it also seems like it'll have stages similar to Four Swords. Lastly I can't get over how generic the subtitle is. Why isn't this just a spin-off or a new IP altogether?