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The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom 6 75.00%
Four Swords on NSO 0 0%
Hyrule Edition Switch Lite 2 25.00%

Check out some of the great Majora's Mask artwork on Miiverse!


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Mine is almost done .

Maybe today, probably tomorrow. But maybe sunday. No later than monday...

And there it is then;

A celebration of Majora's Mask release, pretty much literally like the contest says, with everything that came with it (and what you needed) back in 2000, and now in 2015.

What you see on the left is the Japanese box, the big European Limited Edition Box and the Japanese Expansion Pak bundle. In front of those the American box and the European box with in front of thoe of course an N64 with controller and Expansion Pak.

On the right there's a stack of 3DS's; a 2DS, a 3DSXL, a New 3DSXL, a 3DS and a New 3DS sporting a digital copy of the game all in their appropriate launch-colors. Three retail boxes for each major region, with behind those the American Special Edition console bundle. Behind that the European, American and Japanese Special Editions and in the back the European and Japanese console bundles.

In the middle, of course, pretty big, the mask .

I hope I win, or at least get some recognition, but some entries are really good!

S.Peelman said:

And there it is then;

A celebration of Majora's Mask release, pretty much literally like the contest says, with everything that came with it (and what you needed) back in 2000, and now in 2015.

What you see on the left is the Japanese box, the big European Limited Edition Box and the Japanese Expansion Pak bundle. In front of those the American box and the European box with in front of thoe of course an N64 with controller and Expansion Pak.

On the right there's a stack of 3DS's; a 2DS, a 3DSXL, a New 3DSXL, a 3DS and a New 3DS sporting a digital copy of the game all in their appropriate launch-colors. Three retail boxes for each major region, with behind those the American Special Edition console bundle. Behind that the European, American and Japanese Special Editions and in the back the European and Japanese console bundles.

In the middle, of course, pretty big, the mask .

I hope I win, or at least get some recognition, but some entries are really good!

I absolutely love it!

Seriously, Peelman, this is great.

Do any of you think we'll get an update on the life time sales of ALBW next Nintendo share holder meeting? Seems like we should have gotten one last time around...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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Aonuma Talks Dungeon Design with Kotaku

Kotaku: How do you create a Zelda dungeon? How does that process work? How long does it take?

Eiji Aonuma: Well, the first thing that we ask ourselves when we're designing a new dungeon is what sort of gameplay do we want the player to engage with. And that will help us decide on a kind of theme for that dungeon. For example, are we trying to build a dungeon around puzzle type gameplay, or is action more of a focus? And once we've decided on a theme along those lines, we'll start to think about how a player might use a particular item in that dungeon to interact with the environment. Up until this point all of that is kind of laying out the theory of what kind of dungeon this is going to be and from that point we move on to implementation.

Now, this is sort of like the orthodox version of how to create Zelda dungeons, but I should bring up something that's really important to us now is that we feel it's important to challenge the orthodoxy of the Zelda series as we're creating new games. So while we still need to look for some themes early on, we do want to look at interesting ways to make departures from the rest.

Kotaku: Do you recall vividly at all the creation of the dungeons of Majora's Mask? Are you able to share a story of how long one would have taken? How many people it might have taken to make one of them?

Aonuma: The one that really stands out to me of the dungeons is Woodfall. This was right after the development of Ocarina of Time had finished and we knew we wanted to make a different sort of dungeon. And this is one where I ended up stepping into the role of directing the creation of the dungeon specifically. The person who had been specifically in charge of dungeons up to that point had just changed over. I knew that what I wanted to give it more flavor. I think I was responsible for maybe half of it and I think the new person working on dungeons did the other half in this case.

Kotaku: So it's one person who normally lays it out? The structure I'm used to with Zelda is that there's going to be a set number of dungeons—and I don't know how that works in terms of development. Does each dungeon get made by a different person? And does one person do that dungeon and the artist draws it? I'm curious how it all happens.

Aonuma: It depends on the project, I guess is the best way to answer this. In the case of Ocarina of Time I did the original layout for each of the dungeons, but that's really rough to try to do that all on one person. You can approach the schedule in a slightly different way where you have a different person assigned to each dungeon in the planning role, but that's not something you can do when you have a really small team, of course. These days, we have larger teams and all of them come on with the experience of having played previous Zelda games, so it's a little easier to divide that out now.



DanneSandin said:
Do any of you think we'll get an update on the life time sales of ALBW next Nintendo share holder meeting? Seems like we should have gotten one last time around...

When was the most recent update? Last March?

Veknoid_Outcast said:
DanneSandin said:
Do any of you think we'll get an update on the life time sales of ALBW next Nintendo share holder meeting? Seems like we should have gotten one last time around...

When was the most recent update? Last March?

Yeah, something like that... Wonder if we'll get another update...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Veknoid_Outcast said:

Aonuma Talks Dungeon Design with Kotaku

Kotaku: How do you create a Zelda dungeon? How does that process work? How long does it take?

Eiji Aonuma: Well, the first thing that we ask ourselves when we're designing a new dungeon is what sort of gameplay do we want the player to engage with. And that will help us decide on a kind of theme for that dungeon. For example, are we trying to build a dungeon around puzzle type gameplay, or is action more of a focus? And once we've decided on a theme along those lines, we'll start to think about how a player might use a particular item in that dungeon to interact with the environment. Up until this point all of that is kind of laying out the theory of what kind of dungeon this is going to be and from that point we move on to implementation.

Now, this is sort of like the orthodox version of how to create Zelda dungeons, but I should bring up something that's really important to us now is that we feel it's important to challenge the orthodoxy of the Zelda series as we're creating new games. So while we still need to look for some themes early on, we do want to look at interesting ways to make departures from the rest.

Kotaku: Do you recall vividly at all the creation of the dungeons of Majora's Mask? Are you able to share a story of how long one would have taken? How many people it might have taken to make one of them?

Aonuma: The one that really stands out to me of the dungeons is Woodfall. This was right after the development of Ocarina of Time had finished and we knew we wanted to make a different sort of dungeon. And this is one where I ended up stepping into the role of directing the creation of the dungeon specifically. The person who had been specifically in charge of dungeons up to that point had just changed over. I knew that what I wanted to give it more flavor. I think I was responsible for maybe half of it and I think the new person working on dungeons did the other half in this case.

Kotaku: So it's one person who normally lays it out? The structure I'm used to with Zelda is that there's going to be a set number of dungeons—and I don't know how that works in terms of development. Does each dungeon get made by a different person? And does one person do that dungeon and the artist draws it? I'm curious how it all happens.

Aonuma: It depends on the project, I guess is the best way to answer this. In the case of Ocarina of Time I did the original layout for each of the dungeons, but that's really rough to try to do that all on one person. You can approach the schedule in a slightly different way where you have a different person assigned to each dungeon in the planning role, but that's not something you can do when you have a really small team, of course. These days, we have larger teams and all of them come on with the experience of having played previous Zelda games, so it's a little easier to divide that out now.



Heh, wouldn't that be a fun job? Designing an entire dungeon by yourself. One at a time, game after game.

I in fact used to sketch dungeon ideas myself as a kid, from idea and theme down to puzzles and bosses. Funny to think that it more or less works the same in reality, although probably using something more advanced than crayons .

Also, thanks for the praise, Veknoid! My drawing is quickly becoming my most "Yeah!"-ed post on Miiverse. I once made two for a Game & Wario contest that still have more though.

So far the game looks and run good. But gameplay wise this is the easy version of the original MM. Even the bomber's notebook changed for worse.

Edit: Is fishing worth in this game?

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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