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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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xMetroid said:

Yea i'm pretty sure that's what happened. I mean in any way the dialogues are being recorded so it means the game is pretty far in developpement but again, i think we all knew at this point. 

Curious to see if the Champions are coming back tho or if the guy is just making the voice of a new character maybe. If they do comeback, it means 3 options : 

1- We will again have memories, which i don't actually think it's a good idea. I want them to leave that in the first one unless it is required to explain something. But the 2nd DLC of Botw really felt like the end of that chapter so i don't see the point tbh.

2- We are going back in time. Maybe they find out the problem and go back in time to kill ganon underground before hyrule gets destroyed. But would be weird for a sequel to go back imo.

3- They get revived but yea that's not happening.

Wait actually nvm, they could comeback as ghost or something. Anyway we'll see. Just hope it's not memories again.

They may just be voicing different characters as it's not uncommon to return to a series and be voicing another character.

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Check this out. Music sound familiar?

Nintendo removed a game, Final Sword, from the Japanese eShop since it was using Zelda music.


It seems that the voice actors only confirmed to be involved with the voice acting.
An spanish youtuber explained that they could be recording some lines at any point, and that does not guarantee that the game is already finished or to be released soon.

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Hello guys. I finally started playing BOTW😁

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
Hello guys. I finally started playing BOTW😁

Have fun!


Also, seems the Majora’s Mask statue will be sold for only €90 at a game store here in Holland.. Better than 300 at least. 🤔

Around the Network
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
Hello guys. I finally started playing BOTW😁


See you in a couple months  

We may very well be past the 20m total mark at this point for BOTW.

Mar1217 said:
Wyrdness said:
We may very well be past the 20m total mark at this point for BOTW.

I wonder if in the future, this game sales could be beaten by another game in the series in the future. To me it looks impossible or least, the record will last for a decade easily.

Depends how they push the next game as if they approach it the same way R* did VC it could potentially do more and set a new base average for the series.

That very interesting. I had always assumed it was due to the number of shrines completed.