forest-spirit said: Breath of the Wild has now sold over 1.5m (retail) in Japan! |
Nice! Now, I thought it was north of 1.5 last November...was that including physical and digital?
forest-spirit said: Breath of the Wild has now sold over 1.5m (retail) in Japan! |
Nice! Now, I thought it was north of 1.5 last November...was that including physical and digital?
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Nice! Now, I thought it was north of 1.5 last November...was that including physical and digital? |
If that number was from Famitsu then yes, it must've included digital. But it's also possible that that number was from Media Create or Dengeki.
Next sales update should be this Thursday/Friday, my guess is that BOTW is at 16m or so on NS alone and 18m total with the known 2m for the Wii U version while LA if it has first party legs might be past 4m but has likely been knocked out the top 10 sellers by Pokemon and Luigi's Mansion 3.
Mar1217 said:
Twilight Princess 7th volume also released in French territories ! Superb adaptation of the story honestly !
You know the title's thread litteraly has Link's Awakening selling 3.13M copies in 11 days ? I don't doubt LM3 legs are strong but I do doubt it'll finish over LA early advantage. |
LM3 not only opened much higher than the original it was the biggest launch for Switch in the year before Pokemon and still charts highly I know its been outselling LA in the UK for a while so chances are however well LA did early on LM may have overtaken it.
I don't doubt that LM3 outsold LA over the holiday. I'm not looking at LM3 as competition for LA though. LA is already a massive success, zooming past the DX version in a week, so if it has even decent legs it'll end up above the original, I'd suspect it's probably there already. If it's lucky it might manage to outsell the original and DX versions combined in lifetime sales, which would put it selling more than OOT3D! It'd be in the top 5 Zelda games (until BOTW2 comes out)! That's crazy! Yet it seems quite possible that this remake will end up being the best selling 2D Zelda after the original! So I can't say I care if Luigi outsells it. Good for Luigi, he deserves the success.
4.19m for LA while BOTW NS version is at 16.3m now bringing the game's total to 18.3m effectively it should hit 20m total in June at the current rate.
Wyrdness said: 4.19m for LA while BOTW NS version is at 16.3m now bringing the game's total to 18.3m effectively it should hit 20m total in June at the current rate. |
Thread title updated! Thanks Wyrdness :)
Fun fact BOTW on Switch has actually caught up to Odyssey to the point the's only a 300k gap now between the games, LA I think can cross the 5m mark maybe even 6m LT if legs are like other titles. BOTW 2 should be monstrous if pushed and if we get another 2D remake I hope we get either an Oracles or Minish Cap one.
Wyrdness said: Fun fact BOTW on Switch has actually caught up to Odyssey to the point the's only a 300k gap now between the games, LA I think can cross the 5m mark maybe even 6m LT if legs are like other titles. BOTW 2 should be monstrous if pushed and if we get another 2D remake I hope we get either an Oracles or Minish Cap one. |
It's crazy to see how big the franchise got and mostly thanks to social media, critics and WoM for Botw. People are more than ever consulting reviews and critics for films, music and games so they are now more aware of the quality titles Nintendo is putting out other than Mario games. It is just crazy how a Zelda game will beat a 3D Mario game in sales.. And LA almost reaching Oot sales while just being a remake of a 2D game. Sure it's mainly a new game but it just shows how insanely popular the franchise has become in like only 3 years.