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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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HylianSwordsman said:
Happy New Year! Here's hoping we get BOTW2 this year! I know it's a long shot, but it's not impossible, it has been almost 3 years already and it isn't like they can't reuse some assets.

I think there is a good chance of BotW 2 as a holiday title this year. They're using the same world, though hopefully at least superficially heavily altered, which means they can re-use a lot of the assets and well obviously not needing to build a giant open world from scratch should cut off a huge amount of dev time. I'd be sorta surprised if BotW 2 wasn't the big holiday title this year. The last DLC pack for BotW came out Dec 2017 right? That means they'll have had almost 3 years to take the game from start to shipping, which I would think would be enough time given they are re-using the BotW world. I'm very interested in what they change to make it feel like a whole new game.

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I also went to Zora first on my first playthrough. I thought the story actually wanted me to do that before I found out it should’ve actually have been the Rito. I did Rito last, which was indeed much easier by then.

BOTW according to Nintendo was the second most played Switch game in 2019 even though it's almost 3 years after release they need to take full advantage of this the same way they did with Mario Kart and Smash or the same way Rockstar did when GTA3 took off and market the next game like its the second coming even if it means dedicating most of E3, the Treehouse and a following ND to it like they did with Smash regardless of who complains, BOTW's total in the next update should be at 17-18m come the end of the year it would have passed 20m maybe even finish of LT at 21-22m.

S.Peelman said:
I also went to Zora first on my first playthrough. I thought the story actually wanted me to do that before I found out it should’ve actually have been the Rito. I did Rito last, which was indeed much easier by then.

I did Zora first also. It just made sense to me based on its proximity to Kakariko. Then I did a counter-clockwise route and ended with Vah Nabooris.

When I get around to replaying the game, I will try the prescribed path :P

RolStoppable said:
Mar1217 said:

I did go to Death Mountain in my first playthrough. I'd say the most difficult part is truly the terrain you're in. There's lava, wood cataches fire, the terrain are abruptly apic, but the enemies there and most of the encounters aren't truly the most difficult the game has to offer.

So far the desert takes the cake easily. And if Gerudo Highlands are any indication to what's coming in the Hebra Mountains, then it'll be just as though.

I'd take note that throughout my voyage in Gerudo, I had no upgrade whatsoever which meant most enemies killed me in a single shot. Eastern territories from memory have been more forgiving with the enemy tier.

The difficulty progression is Orni, Zora, Goron, Gerudo. But most people play Zora first because an early story objective (Kakariko village) guides them close to that part of the map.

And yes, the game logs story entries in the above order, so the basic difficulty matches that.

Nice, gonna do in this order the next time.

Already did these ones:



Gerudo are my favorite ones, so I'm going to do last always.

Vah Naboris is one of my fav dungeons of the entire franchise.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

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Why are we naming the Rito a localised name by the way?

S.Peelman said:
Why are we naming the Rito a localised name by the way?

My thoughts exactly...

Breath of the Wild has now sold over 1.5m (retail) in Japan!

Artist Kaimatten (@kaimatten) turned out this 16-bit rendition of BotW :)
