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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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Veknoid_Outcast said:

Check out what my friend sent me!


Zelda coasters :D

Sweet, that's a good friend.

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Veknoid_Outcast said:

Check out what my friend sent me!


Zelda coasters :D


I need those.

Someone found a weapon duplication glitch.

Check out this cool Zelda diorama, courtesy of Reddit user trythisfuckingone.


I'm just not sure I want Cadence of Hyrule yet. I haven't played Crypt of the Necrodancer, and it doesn't have a demo for me to try, so I have no idea if I'll even enjoy it.

Here's hoping Cadence has a demo.


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More things they can do in the next new installment:

- More secret bosses like the boss in the mountains (won't spoil it).

- Bring back the whip (or add whip weapons) and hookshot as they'd fit in well in the new approach.

- Add cosmetic accessories that change things like Link's hair style like the male Gerudo outfit did.

- Some prior series items can be added mainly as sandbox options to play around with to add more options for situations for example the hawkeye could be introduced as an item which when equipped gives bows a boost in accuracy, range and damage while the bellow and beetle could also be added as utility items much like how the Korok leaf was.

Mar1217 said:
Wyrdness said:

More things they can do in the next new installment:

- More secret bosses like the boss in the mountains (won't spoil it).

- Bring back the whip (or add whip weapons) and hookshot as they'd fit in well in the new approach.

- Add cosmetic accessories that change things like Link's hair style like the male Gerudo outfit did.

- Some prior series items can be added mainly as sandbox options to play around with to add more options for situations for example the hawkeye could be introduced as an item which when equipped gives bows a boost in accuracy, range and damage while the bellow and beetle could also be added as utility items much like how the Korok leaf was.

Do you mean mini-bosses ? The elementary Dragons ? Is it hidden in the Western part of the map ?
The corrupted dragon in the mountains near Hateno Village, it's an actual boss fight.

Nintendo reveals new info on BotW VR mode

"Once you've updated the game's software, it's easy to use. During play, open the menu screen, select System, and select Options. Then set the Toy-Con VR Goggles option to ON, and simply insert your Nintendo Switch console into the VR Goggles and attach its Joy-Con controllers to the sides. When you look through the VR Goggles, you'll see the world of Hyrule stretching out before you in VR!"


200 hours played and I'm only seeing a Lynel do a spin attack for the first time.

Someone recreated Hyrule Castle from BOTW in Minecraft.