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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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I would prefer a 3D zelda but I would also be happy with a 2D zelda.

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^ Nice art, spurge!

Found this on Kotaku:

Is the new Assassin's Creed game inspired by Wind Waker? It's a little unclear, especially because the ACIV associate producer thinks The Wind Waker is a Wii game.

spurgeonryan said:


THAT'S what I want from my next Zelda! Something darker and epic as fuck!!!

spurgeonryan said:

Found this . If link was incredibly older!


If Zelda was developed by a Western studio :P

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Here's an unofficial mock-up of how The Wind Waker might play on Wii U. Enjoy!

An excerpt from the Time interview with Miyamoto-san:

"If you look back at the launch of Wii, we were able to prepare a game like Wii Sports, which at the time was clearly a new game, and launch that alongside a Zelda game. With the Wii U, we took a similar approach by launching Nintendo Land as well as a Mario game — though we’re working on Zelda for Wii U, that’s going to take us a little big longer."

It's hard to tease anything out from such an unspecific response, but I wonder when Zelda Wii U will be ready.

I think 2015 at the earliest.

Here's the link to the full interview:

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Naturally a Zelda game would take more time than a 2D Mario. Iwata once said that he felt the development of Skyward Sword took too long, and that he rather have a new entry release in three years rather than five. So technically we could expect one in 2014, but I agree 2015 would be a safer bet . Still hoping a 3DS entry will release this year though!

Also, how did they do that mockup of WW??

S.Peelman said:
Naturally a Zelda game would take more time than a 2D Mario. Iwata once said that he felt the development of Skyward Sword took too long, and that he rather have a new entry release in three years rather than five. So technically we could expect one in 2014, but I agree 2015 would be a safer bet . Still hoping a 3DS entry will release this year though!

Also, how did they do that mockup of WW??

I think they must've used video footage of The Wind Waker on the Wii U internet browser to create the illusion. Although I'm not sure. It's pretty cool, though :)

Good news!

Previously, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons were announced for Japan eShop only.

But, according to Eiji Aonuma, the Oracle games will be available on the 3DS eShop in North America, Europe, Australia and other regions before June of this year.

In Japan the titles sold individually for ¥600, which currently equates to just over $6US. Japanese fans also had the option of downloading both titles bundled for ¥1000 (or just over $10US).

spurgeonryan said:
You said it thedanne! That is amazing. I wish Nintendo would go mainstream somehwhat.

I really understand what you mean. A little bit mainstream wouldn't hurt. Some times Zelda is just a tad too quirky imho...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Zelda: Link's style is the thing we struggle with the most - Miyamoto

Shigeru Miyamoto on Hyrule Historia

Shigeru Miyamoto has said that Nintendo struggle with the design of Link when creating new Zelda games.

It seems that determining Link's style - which has changed throughout the years - for each game takes a lot of time.

Flicking through the pages of Hyrule Historia, Miyamoto told MTV: "Probably the thing we struggle most with when we're developing each game is what style Link is going to appear in. I think being able to showcase that and also the timeline itself - certainly the stories of each individual game are important but Zelda is also the series where we've paid the most attention to how the games piece together in that timeline. So being able to share that was great."

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.