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Forums - Gaming Discussion - HD movies available for download!

I watch around 5 movies a week (I am a movie buff).

I use Netflix. It's 3 day turn around, and I can have 3 at a time. So a new movie comes every day if I watch one every day. Or, if I want to watch it online at DVD quality, I can watch unlimited hours.

It cost me 18 bucks a month. That includes Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, DVD, Steaming, anything. It's by far the best service around.

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ChronotriggerJM said:
mesoteto said:
PooperScooper said:
Sorry for the spam but i have one more point.

I can go to the movies for 1.50 at 3 movie theaters in my area. Ogden 6(15minute drive), Tivoli(15 minute drive), and Nova 8(15 minute drive). They show movies that all the other movie theaters dont show anymore. So the movies they show are about a month-2months old.

And the showplace 12(2minute drive) theater and Showplace 16(15minute drive) are only 5 dollars to get into.

Holy Crap...last time my wife and i went to the movies (I Am Legend , very good movie)....16 for the tickets...popcorn, two drinks and some m&m's.............32.50

 NEVER buy movie food!

Judging by these prices I'm going to assume you live in California. Close to LA or SF. Maybe New York New York. Chicago Illinois maybe.

Anyways, I live close to Chicago. If I went closer to the city the tickets would easily be close to 10 dollars each. Sticking to the suburbs however there are options. I never go to AMC 30. Those tickets are 10 dollars each. (unless i get those free passes. my moms work hands them out and she tends to give them to me). There is a movie theater by my house that shows Rocky Picture Horror Show every Sat. night. They Serve beer and actual food like sandwhiches amd wings. It wasn't over priced as far as food goes but with admission, beer, and food it was a bit pricey.

 And I agree. Never get movie food. Most places don't allow outside food or drink. Some do though. Even then the places that dont hardly enforce it.

@ gnizmo 

Truth or sarcasm? about 1 day download.

Please don't compare HD-DVD and Blu-Ray to Xbox live downloads. They are not the same. Saying that is like saying MP3 bit rates don't effect music quality.

Microsoft should include a way to pay more for each movie, then be able to keep it.

It is a complicated/glorified/overpriced way of renting movies. It may be cool for some, and the basic idea is very cool- they just need to take it to the next step.

It would be cool if you could buy unlimited movies, and once you pay for an item, you can choose to leave it on your hard drive or not, but either way you will never have to pay for it again.

That is the major concern for me because if and when they allow you to purchase the movies, once a movie is purchased- if your hard drive fails - you should have the option to re-download it again for free.

If connection speeds were 100mbps like comcast is supposedly claiming they will be, this would be no problem.

I wonder how competitive Sony's similar service will be. I am hoping to see the first details at GDC.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

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This is definitely good for 360 owners, but those who think downloads will dominate optical media are living in a world of fantasy.

I still haven't been told if the "high def" movies on XBL are 720 or 1080p ;-;

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

ChronotriggerJM said:
I still haven't been told if the "high def" movies on XBL are 720 or 1080p ;-;

 720p at 4 mbs

Saiyar said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
I still haven't been told if the "high def" movies on XBL are 720 or 1080p ;-;

720p at 4 mbs

Do they come in 1080? or is that what they offer? Still cool either way :P I just happen to like optical media :x

 If it takes him about an hour to buffer a 720p video @18mps, I don't think streaming 1080p movies is going to be possible for quite some time :(

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.