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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony to discontinue 80 GB ps3 according to Best Buy?

BC through software is going to be more of a XBOX360 approach if at all. They may be able to BC old games in update packs, but I doubt they will fully emulate all games. Shouldn't matter to the masses though.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

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This a bad move by sony if it is indeed true.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

this will only be good if they drop the price of the 40 gig to 299. it would help if they could achieve total software emulation through a firmware update.

ps2s library is just too good, i would hate for anyone to miss out on shadow of the colossus.

this makes me glad i got the 60 gig a few months after launch.

GooseGaws said:
They have already discontinued all BC models in other regions, it wouldn't be surprising for it to happen in NA as well.

Sony had explicitly stated that they wouldn't be spending another penny on BC. Why does everyone seem to think that they have changed their tune? Have they said anything to suggest this?

Sony has said a lto of crap that hasnt made sense over the past year... i honestly dont know anymroe :P


And all that stuff about the GS GPU etc, sorry, didnt know about it :P my bad. I thought that the physical thing they had been using for BC was the Emotion engine 


Thats crazy :s

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The motorstorm game is getting a bit dated and that sku could be up for retirement, but that doesn't mean that there isn't another 80gb sku coming up that either has another game packed in (Ratchet and clank or DMC4 anyone?) to replace the motorstorm bundle. Sure, they could bump it up to a 100 or 120gb HD, but I think we may have heard some grumbling from the FCC on a new system that had a different HD in it by now if that was the case. The only thing we have heard is the white 40gb, and that would be silly to have a higher price on the white color over the black. If they keep the specs completely the same they wouldn't have to register anything new to bundle together another package with a different/newer game.


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My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

One of the media guys at my local Worst Buy said that they are phasing out the Motorstorm bundle (they currently have no 80gb's in stock) - but he didn't know anything about selling the 80gb by itself, so we'll have to see.

Maybe they'll release an update for the 40GB that lets it play PS2 games!!! That would be great!

For some odd reason when I go to the link I get blank article space. I think they removed the article.

Dno said:
davygee said:
The thing is. Although BC is very important for a vast majority of users and potential users of the PS3 at the moment. Once the system has been out for a couple of years and the list of great games grows, then wanting to play PS2 games on your PS3 will be a thought of the past.

Yes, people will want to play classic games in a year or two, but generally speaking when you want to do that now, you just pull out your old system and plug it in and play.

i agree i mean do any of you use 360 to play xbox 1 games? not a lot of people do because 360 has lots of games and ps3 and wii will also and then no one will use ps2 and GC games either.

The only reason the ps3 should be BC is because ps2 still outsells lots of other systems in hardware and software (whereas the GC and xbox 1 are completely dead). but that means the ps2 is still being made so go buy that one if you have to play ps2 games. im all for the ps3 price being dropped i love my ps3 and i love blu-ray so do what needs to be done sony!!!

 So you would agree if I said that it was stupid for Sony to try and sell PS1 games? It is an old game and no one would use a current system to play old games. The Virtual Console is an equally terrible idea because no one would want to play those old games without hooking up the old systems. BC is always a really nice feature. It would be stupid for them to cut it out completely.

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