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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendo: 660k Wii sold in Spain LTD

Bodhesatva said:
tk1797 said:
^ Grandia 4 perhaps.

Possibly. Mainly, I just wanted to point out how mind blowing it was to find out that the team behind Grandia/Lunar is making Smash Brothers. It's such an odd combination: not only are they hardcore RPG devs, they're third party, to boot. 

I find them working on brawl worrying. Like you mentioned there good at making rpgs that is basically it. When they made games in other gendre they have been pretty bad like the silpheed games. Also the lastest Lunar sucked something awful; I wish I could get the 8.99 I bought it for. They also keep remaking Lunar games for some reason.

As for grandia 2, Its a good game but I think its a little over appreciated. The game has terrible slowdown that took away from the experience and the story is a little bland and why the fuck isn't Ryudo with Elena at the end. I haven't played 3 but I hated Grandia Xtreme.

Meh maybe I'm over thinking it. I'm sure sora ltd. will keep them in check.


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Well, these numbers seem to be from AC Nielsen as well. Although I don't speak Spanish, the name of the company is present in the text you linked to. The last column seems to be for December 2007 and not the beginning of 2008 considering the 1/12/2007 - 30/12/2007 mentioned.

Off-topic: Rolstoppable, welcome back!

 << A 31 de diciembre de 2007, Nintendo se había convertido en líder de ventas de consolas también en España, con una cuota de mercado del 56,31%, frente al 40,66% de Sony y el 3,03% de Microsoft.

En nuestro país, Wii ha alcanzó a finales de 2007 las 660.000 consolas vendidas que permiten a Nintendo dominar el mercado de sobremesa de consolas de nueva generación con un 51% de cuota, comenzando el recuento en noviembre de 2005 cuando Microsoft "inauguró" la generación . Este liderazgo se ha reforzado en las últimas navidades, donde Wii se hizo con dos tercios del mercado, por el 28% de cuota de PlayStation 3 y el escaso 6% de Xbox 360.>>


Wii: 660.000
PS3: 362.000
360: 77.000 (
The data of the 360 are not counted when he was alone)

koffieboon said:
Well, these numbers seem to be from AC Nielsen as well. Although I don't speak Spanish, the name of the company is present in the text you linked to. The last column seems to be for December 2007 and not the beginning of 2008 considering the 1/12/2007 - 30/12/2007 mentioned.

Off-topic: Rolstoppable, welcome back!

 Thank you, you are correct.">">

i still dont trust this sources, all weird sites ive never heard before.

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RolStoppable said:
Bodhesatva said:
RolStoppable said:
Bodhesatva said:
RolStoppable said:
Good news for sure.

How is it being Bodhesatva?

Judging by your new avatar, clearly much better than it is being RolStoppable.

Correct as usual, Bod.

Hey Bod, do you know why I got banned?">">

tk1797 said:
Bodhesatva said:
tk1797 said:
^ Grandia 4 perhaps.

Possibly. Mainly, I just wanted to point out how mind blowing it was to find out that the team behind Grandia/Lunar is making Smash Brothers. It's such an odd combination: not only are they hardcore RPG devs, they're third party, to boot. 

I find them working on brawl worrying. Like you mentioned there good at making rpgs that is basically it. When they made games in other gendre they have been pretty bad like the silpheed games. Also the lastest Lunar sucked something awful; I wish I could get the 8.99 I bought it for. They also keep remaking Lunar games for some reason.

As for grandia 2, Its a good game but I think its a little over appreciated. The game has terrible slowdown that took away from the experience and the story is a little bland and why the fuck isn't Ryudo with Elena at the end. I haven't played 3 but I hated Grandia Xtreme.

Meh maybe I'm over thinking it. I'm sure sora ltd. will keep them in check.

Um, which system did you have the game for? I had the dreamcast version and it was perfection. I was amazed with the story and character development. I do agree that additions to the franchise post Grandia II were very underwhelming. 

I'm not a fanboy, I just try to tip the balance in favor of logic and common sense.

Wow I think that ioi will add a few hundred k in for spain... the Wii could jump around 500-700k between NA and Spain and Japan....

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

About the earlier numbers by Gfk, are there any newer ones than from September 30th? Cause in my opinion those numbers don't even proof PS3 outselling Wii in Spain. They are:

Wii: 244k
PS3: 218k
Xbox360: 149k

More important though are these numbersu:

From March to September:

Wii: 182k
PS3: 218k
Xbox 360: 30k

This however includes PS3 launch numbers which are close to 100k for March.
So further down the article they mention PS3 selling 132k from April to September, an average of 22k per month. Now compared to Wii which sold an average of 26k per month for March to September. Now taking the AC Nielsen numbers into account they show Wii having a market share of 51% for the whole year, but 66% for December alone. This means for the period of Janaury to November the percentage will have been below 50% and PS3 and Wii could have been very close considering Xbox 360's poor sales.

The article with the Gfk numbers is (look specifically for page 2):

I mistrust gfk for portugal and spain for a while. I know a lot of guys in front of videogame stores in portugal and while sony completely dominates it's not to the scale gfk+sony reports. I had the same feedback from my spanish side of the family, that ps3 was getting hammered lately, yet gfk data from spain kept saying they were over 50%. Well let's hope truth arises...

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