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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who has a HD Console but no HDTV?

I have a 360 but a 32" standard tv

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I have a beautiful 52" HDTV, but my friend has a PS3 and he plays on like a 12 inch piece of crap TV lol, I always give him a hard time.

rocketpig said:
weezy said:
if you dont have 1080p you dont have a HDtv.

Um, okay. I could go into a rant about current games not running in anything over 720p natively or how a properly deinterlaced 1080i image is just as good as 1080p for movies/television, but I have the feeling I would be wasting my breath.

The consumer confusion behind 1080p and HDTVs in general is amazing.


I was trying to be a ps3 fanboy for a min..

I guess my sarcasm failed..


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Ah, hahah, I thought that seemed uncharacteristic of you, Weezy.

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