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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who has a HD Console but no HDTV?

kingofwale said:
I have my PS3 in my bedroom, so it's hooked up to a 19 inch 1080I Samsung. I don't classify that as HD
How is it not HD? The resolution is 1920x1080!! its high def!


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360 EDTV.


HD Specs:

Your TV is an HDTV set if:

Your resolution is more then 480 lines

Your Set is Widescreen

Standard HD Resolutions:

720p = 1366x768

1080i = 1366x768 (interlaced, meaning picture is upscaled)

1080p = 1920x1200

Now Playing: Crysis 2

Last Finished: BulletStorm

Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

PS3 on a tubeTv, i don't feel that having an HDTV is worth the cost, well not worth the cost of the Tv's i'v looked at.

I played my 360 on SD tv for awhile but soon as I bought my ps3 I upgraded to full 1080p HD glory!!!

And I'll never look back. I didn't think I'd notice too much of a difference, but boy, was I wrong! Afterwards, I went out and replaced all my SD tvs with HD & upgraded to HD Direct TV.

My favorite is my gaming rig: 60" 1080p Sony SXRD

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

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This is certainly an eye opener! I can't believe that people can own 360's and PS3's and use them through a SDTV.

The games through the SDTV must look like the scaled up pixelated videos on Youtube when you are playing games.

You really need to upgrade to HDTV. It doesn't need to cost the earth. You can pick up 20"-32" LCD's pretty cheap these days. You really don't know what you are missing until you see it.

I currently play my PS3 through my 40" 1080p Sony Bravia.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

davygee said:
This is certainly an eye opener! I can't believe that people can own 360's and PS3's and use them through a SDTV.

The games through the SDTV must look like the scaled up pixelated videos on Youtube when you are playing games.

You really need to upgrade to HDTV. It doesn't need to cost the earth. You can pick up 20"-32" LCD's pretty cheap these days. You really don't know what you are missing until you see it.

I currently play my PS3 through my 40" 1080p Sony Bravia.

 I can tell you that PS3/360 games look great on a tubeTV, i guess maybe if your tube TV is old and not adjusted  the game may seem shitty.  And from what i have seen the cheap HD TV's are shitty, and my TV looks better then them.  I went looking for HD Tv's for over a month and was not impressed by any model i've seen at any stores, even the big sets at Sony Style stores, sure they were better but not 3k better.  Maybe next year the prices will come down on the 56" ones and they maybe worth the cost.

davygee said:
This is certainly an eye opener! I can't believe that people can own 360's and PS3's and use them through a SDTV.

The games through the SDTV must look like the scaled up pixelated videos on Youtube when you are playing games.

You really need to upgrade to HDTV. It doesn't need to cost the earth. You can pick up 20"-32" LCD's pretty cheap these days. You really don't know what you are missing until you see it.

I currently play my PS3 through my 40" 1080p Sony Bravia.

LOL Your comment is so absurd it tickled me. Maybe some propoganda to increase HDTV adoption? Sony HDTV adoption to be more specific? I have had my 360 since launch on a standard tv and the picture quality is far from what you described.

 I honestly do not think an HDTV is worth the cost just yet, and I happen to be a tech enthusiast. LCD technology is continuously improving as costs are coming down. I think I will wait another six months or a year before purchasing an HDTV...maybe even two years. HD Tube TV(s) actually tend to have better picture quality, but there is a limited selection available on the market, because obviously flat-panel is preferred. 

 I also want to eventually purchase a PS3 (when price comes down), Xbox 360 Elite to replace my premium (Jasper), and Wii (when they become more accessible).

Sidenote: I have also experienced the RROD, but I never returned my counsel. It happened once (Oblviion overload). I simply unplugged my 360 for about an hour and then returned to gameplay. Everything ran smoothly and I have never had a problem since. Maybe some people just overreact when they see the RROD? Though I do agree, the problem should not have existed from the start.

I'm not a fanboy, I just try to tip the balance in favor of logic and common sense.

davygee said:
This is certainly an eye opener! I can't believe that people can own 360's and PS3's and use them through a SDTV.

The games through the SDTV must look like the scaled up pixelated videos on Youtube when you are playing games.

You really need to upgrade to HDTV. It doesn't need to cost the earth. You can pick up 20"-32" LCD's pretty cheap these days. You really don't know what you are missing until you see it.

I currently play my PS3 through my 40" 1080p Sony Bravia.

 360 and wii on a standard definition tv.

...and a 20-32" HDTV is pointless.  at a normal viewing distance your eyes can't physically make out the higher resolutions.  To get the "full" benifit I would have to buy a tv at least 40" and that cost a lot of money.  A lot of money I don't need to spend cause A) my standard tv is working quite well and i'm not throwing it away for no reason and B) i've seen side by side comparisons and the improvement is marginal at a best.  HDTV is better but not worth the current cost of entry for me. 

I do =(. still don't have much money for fun, I have to save it for my rent and other various bills.