ghettoglamour said: DmC sells the half of DMC4 FW :( |
I can't believe no one else is talking about this! Clearly this is a major set back for the rebirth of DMC, I hope for the series sake sales aren't as bad WW :/
ghettoglamour said: DmC sells the half of DMC4 FW :( |
I can't believe no one else is talking about this! Clearly this is a major set back for the rebirth of DMC, I hope for the series sake sales aren't as bad WW :/
kowenicki said:
Good to know. |
Also worth noting, the PS3 did not dip to this week's Wii U level until the first week of April.
kowenicki said:
Good to know. |
basically yes at that price it was dead, it was revived by dropping the price by almost 200$, can the wiiu do that, yes but consoles have proved that 249$-299$ is a great selling price.
RolStoppable said:
Well, that isn't really a bold prediction, because 25 Wind Waker games would be a bit much. |
Wow, how did you know Nintendo was going to announce Wind Waker for Wii U even before the Nintendo Direct! You sir are a genius!
starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."
Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"
Wow, Little Big Planet Karting certainly bombed on the PS3; 3,640 FW sales is just awful. No. 30 on the Famitsu chart, the MC chart only goes to 20 so it had no chance of making it their.
I still haven't seen a copy of Fantasy Life anywhere. L5 needs to get more copies out into the wild.
Wii U struggling, but hopefully the new game announcements should help a bit. 3DS up YoY, so a good start for it already and the Vita already back in the under 10k doldrums.
starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."
Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"
TeddostheFireKing said:
If you say something negative about DmC you will be branded an entitled gamer, hater, whiner who only cares about Dante's hair. I'm more interested to know how many copies of DMC HD Collection sold this week, there's this thing called "Operation Crazy" where fans got together and vote with their wallets buying the DMC HD Collection on the day of DmC's release. So far in Amazon the collection is way higher in the chartz (#65) that DmC which has fallen to 152 in the 200 top sellers in PS3, it could mean nothing of course since this is just Amazon.
So the PS3 was dead too back then?
Good to know. |
PS3 was never a hit in Japan, far from that. Most japanese third-parties migrated to Nintendo platforms or Handheld(PSP + NDS)
If Wii U can't pull better numbers than current ones. It will only prove that Japan has become a market for portable gaming.
I am the black sheep "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson
Chandler said: Don't forget, 64% of Famitsu readers plan to get a Vita this year! lol And yeah, Wii U is tanking, too. But at least there is a Nintendo Direct. Where is Vita heaven? |
Why so mad? You guys been bugging us about the Vita for a year, and now we're bugging you about your console ? huhuhauhauhaa
Anyway look at the 7 year old PS3 go,Beautiful.